Tutorials: statistical analysis

The lab offers statistical analysis support for staff and dissertation students. If you’re a Level 4 and Level 5 student and you think you could use some help with stats, you should contact your seminar tutor or the module coordinator as soon as possible.

Level 6 students should always discuss their analysis plan with their supervisor before booking a meeting with us. We can arrange a one-to-one meeting as well as a small group tutorials on covering specific analyses. When booking a meeting, let us know whether you’d like to meet in-person or online.

We’re currently putting together video tutorials which will be uploaded as links below. At the moment, we only have a tutorial for regression, moderation & mediation available, but more will be uploaded (hopefully soon. ). It’s always a good idea to first re-visit your course materials before accessing the additional information provided in the tutorials.

  • Descriptives and frequencies
  • Parametric assumption testing
  • Student t-test
  • Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
  • Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
  • Multiple regression, moderation and mediation
  • Non-parametric tests
  • Chi-Square tests and cross-tabs

Something missing? Let us know if there is an additional analysis type  you would like us to cover and we’ll look into it.