Guidance, Resources, Tech

Which free online survey should I use?

Third Year Dissertation students are strongly encouraged to use SONA to create their surveys for free, as this also gives a lot of help with recruitment. If you are not using SONA, there are other options. Most people have heard about Surveymonkey, but what about Qualtrics or SogoSurvey? As a student, you really do not have to pay for online survey software. You may find that the free version of Surveymonkey is too limited for your needs – if you do please click the link below for a round-up of some better free options!

Comparison of free survey tools

If you have any questions after reading this, please speak to Joe the psychology technician.


Free survey tools

I’m putting together a document comparing the free online survey tools, which I hope will be useful to students thinking about using them. I’ll post it here when it is complete. Although most people have probably come across SurveyMonkey for one reason or another, there are a lot of other free options out there, which depending on your needs may be better for you than SurveyMonkey.


Watch this space..

Hello there! This is the blog of the School of Applied and Social Sciences psychology lab at the University of Brighton. I’m going to blog on all sorts of topics relevant to students and staff. I’ll blog on resources and facilities, new equipment/services, in particular new psychological questionnaires and breaking news on psychological technology. I’ll put guidance here on research methods, study design etc and also post on interesting psychology studies. As I’m new here it will probably take some time to get fully started, please bear with me!

Best wishes,

Joe the psychology technician.