For project participants

Evaluation forms

Project participants are kindly asked to complete a short evaluation form following completion of their project. This will help us understand what worked and what could be improved in our Mentoring and Research Experience scheme.

Please download and complete the appropriate form below. Forms should be emailed as an attachment  to Lorraine Slater (, ideally within four weeks of the project completion.

Evaluation form for doctoral student project lead (mentor): Evaluation form PGR mentor

Evaluation for taught student project assistant (mentee): Evaluation form UG PGT mentee

Payment for participants

All project participants will receive £500. We will be processing payment in the week commencing 04 July. Participants should receive their payment by BACS by 14 July. Please ensure your bank details are complete and up to date in Student View (log in required) by the end of June at the very latest.

We will be asking project leads to confirm the projects is underway as anticipated in late June, and to cc their supervisor. This is to provide us with the confirmation we need in order to initiate the payment process.

Project costs

Each project can request up to £250 towards research costs.

Most costs will be claimed via the University’s online expenses system. PGRs should visit the Doctoral College SharePoint site for our guidance to claiming expenses for doctoral students. UG/PGT do not have access to this system so please contact us if you anticipate costs being incurred directly by the mentee.

In some cases where claiming project costs is less straightforward, we will contact individual project leads.