Productive Urban Landscapes

Research and practice around the CPUL design concept

A reference to the saison on the meeting invitation: rhubarb time in Germany (source: Ernährungsrat Berlin www 2020)

INVITE: Plenary assembly of the Food Policy Council Berlin on Monday 18th May

‘We need to be and stay active right now! Corona presents us all with great challenges, but at the same time, the opportunities are growing to do things differently in the future.’ Under this motto, the Food Policy Council Berlin [Ernährungsrat Berlin] is inviting to its bi-annual plenary assembly on Monday 18th May 2020 from…

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Extract of the flyer advertising the seed exchange at Allmende-Kontor (source: Allmende-Kontor 2020)

INVITE: Resistance with distance! Seed exchange and joint film this Friday

Urban gardeners in Germany embrace new opportunities to allow the gardening seasion to start during the current corona pandemic. Please feel free to join them this Friday 17th April 2020 for two events: At 7pm, the “joint film watching” of O´pflanzt is – 6 Jahre Gemeinschaftsgarten happens on Zoom using these entry details: Meeting-ID: 734…

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One of the four main pages of the new website Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün (source: SenUVK www 2020)

Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün goes live!

It is with great pleasure that we announce the full going-live of the interactive website Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün [Platform Productive Urban Green] ! Commissioned and hosted by the Senate of Berlin, Germany, it can be found here: Please do use the website abundantly! It is open – and hopefully useful – to anybody, regardless…

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The Werkstatt of Haus der Statistik on Karl-Marx-Allee in Berlin (source: Haus der Statistik www 2020)

INVITE: Food and Logistic in the House of Statistic in Berlin

The association ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin eG invites to its 7th Thematic Evening on Thursday 12th March from 6 – 8pm in the Werkstatt Haus der Statistik, Karl-Marx-Allee 1 in Berlin. The 7th Thematic Evening is dedicated to the theme Food and Logistic in the House of Statistic. Background for the event is that the House of…

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Within the Playing/Field project, the Dorfplatz, a deck / bench / planting bed, was designed and built by TU Berlin students with help from resident-gardeners. (source: Tobias Birkefeld, Carlo Costabel, Peter Müller, Joshua Obliers 2014)

The Village Green at Playing/Field Marzahn is badly missed.

Yesterday, the first gardeners’ association meeting of the year happened at the community garden Spiel/Feld Marzahn [Playing/Field Marzahn] in Berlin, Germany. About 15 people came to discuss how best to prepare the new gardening season, what to plant, build and repair, how to engage with the neighbourhood and when to come together and celebrate. One…

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Artist Åsa Sonjasdotter enfolds Bonnie Fortune and Brett Bloom's Deep Map of Prinzessinnengarten during the 'communal ritual for the end and a new beginning' in December 2019. (source: Bohn&Viljoen 2019)

H A P P Y _ N E W _ Y E A R _ 2 0 2 0 !

For the new year and new decade, we wish you all the best! If you have time between the years – or as a new year resolution, we would like to recommend a recent radio program and a visit to one of our favourite 2019 locations: The Prinzessinnengarten in Berlin, on the 7th December, celebrated…

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Co-installing the Mathare Shamba in the Mathare neigbourhood in Nairobi became part of a practice-based Masters’ thesis at the course. (source: Katherine Cashman, Community Gardening in Mathare, Nairobi (Masters’ thesis) 2018)

Guest lecture to international Master’s course at the TU Berlin

Yesterday, Katrin Bohn gave a talk about food-productive urban landscapes and the CPUL City concept to Masters’ students at the Technical University (TU) of Berlin’s independent Masters’ in Urban Management. Apart from introducing key concepts of the international urban food design and planning debate, Katrin presented international architectural and urban design case studies. Lively discussions…

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After the actual live testing of the website, participants discussed its role in the development of Berlin's city-wide concept for community gardens and allotments. (source: Beatrice Walthall 2019)

Successful launch of the Platform Productive Urban Green for Berlin

About 40 people attended the (test)launch of Berlin’s new Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün [Platform Productive Urban Green] on Tuesday 26th November 2019 to which the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection [Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz] had invited. Ursula Renker, Head of the Office for Open Space Planning and Urban Green [Referat…

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Extract of the draft project flyer (source: AG Stadt & Ernährung 2019)

INVITE: Launch of the Platform Productive Urban Green in Berlin !

The big moment is close! The first section of the online platform “Productive Urban Green” will go (test)online during the final presentation of the project on Tuesday 26th November 2019, 5pm – 7pm, at Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz, Am Köllnischen Park 3, 10179 Berlin. This is a public, free event. However, we do…

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A pomologist at work during the Apple Fête 2018 identifying apple varieties that participants brought from their allotments and back gardens. (source: Michael Plögert 2018)

INVITE: Come to the Apple Fete this Saturday 19th October in Berlin !

You are invited to the “Apfelfest” on Saturday 19th October, from 1pm to 5pm at the Gartenarbeitsschule Borkzeile in Berlin-Spandau. Since 4 years, the LebensMittelPunkt Spandau [a word play on ‘food hub’] is supporting the Gartenarbeitsschule Spandau [garden work school, an environmental practice and education centre] in Berlin in its annual public Apple Fête. The…

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Berlin’s Food Policy Council campaigns for sustainable food, nutrition and agriculture politics in the Berlin region. (source: Ernährungsrat Berlin www 2019)

INVITE: Plenary assembly of the Food Policy Council Berlin

It’s still a while to go but please save the date of the plenary assembly of the Food Policy Council Berlin [Ernährungsrat Berlin]: Monday, 14th October 2019, 5.30pm – 8.30pm, at Alte Zollgarage, Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin An invitation with agenda will soon be sent out via the newsletter and posted on the website. And in…

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Aerial view of Berlin’s community garden Prinzessinnengarten (source: Prinzessinnengarten/Nachbarschaftsakademie www 2019)

INVITE: On the History, the Present and Possible Futures of Prinzessinnengarten

A walk with Marco Clausen, one of the founders of one of Berlin’s most prolific community gardens happens this Friday, 30th August 2019 at 6pm. Please meet at the “Laube” in Prinzessinnengarten, Kreuzberg, if you wish to attend. From the invitation: “A motorway was once foreseen at this spot. Now, carrots and potatoes grow here—but…

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Berlin’s Food Policy Council engages the public in its activities. (source: Ernährungsrat Berlin www 2019)

INVITE: Have your say on the policy paper “Good food for all!”

Berlin’s Food Policy Council [Ernährungsrat Berlin] currently develops in an intense process the policy paper Good food for all! The paper is intended as the basis for further discussions of the Food Policy Council Berlin wit the City’s political decision makers as well as for the City’s wider political discourse. Please do join in a…

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A garden day in the Community Garden Bad Düben (source: Torsten Reinsch www 2018)

Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen joins Platform Productive Urban Green

Last week, Katrin Bohn met the German writer, journalist and activist Dr. Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen in Berlin, Germany. Together with Beatrice Walthall from the Working Group City & Food [AG Stadt & Ernährung], they discussed Elisabeth’s involvement in the project Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün [Platform Productive Urban Green]. Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen is one of Germany’s leading experts in…

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Presentation of the results of one of the discussion tables by an urban gardener (source: Beatrice Walthall 2019)

First public presentation of the Platform Productive Urban Green

More than 30 people came to the first public presentation of “Platform Productive Urban Green – Design and planning of open green space” [Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün – Gestaltung und Planung des öffentlichen Grüns] which happened last week in Berlin’s Alte Zollgarage. After a brief welcome by a representative of Berlin’s (Germany) Senate Department for the…

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Berries Feast and music come together in a neighbourhood event. (source: Spiel/Feld Marzahn www 2019)

INVITE: Berries Feast at Spiel/Feld Marzahn, Germany

It is already the 4th year that the community gardeners at Spiel/Feld Marzahn celebrate their traditional Beerenfest [Berries Feast] at the same time as the Berlin-wide Fête de la Musique. Gardeners, neighbours and friends are invited to an afternoon and evening of music (instruments and singing welcome!) at the Großes Beet [Big Bed] led by…

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The new Platform Productive Urban Green and its 1st key component, the website “Community Gardens”, are embedded into Berlin’s political, activists and administrative processes. (source: AG Stadt & Ernährung 2019)

Platform Productive Urban Green holds its 2nd participatory workshop, Germany

After its successful first stakeholder workshop towards the end of March, the Working Group City & Food [AG Stadt & Ernährung] invited a selected group of Berlin-based community gardeners to the 2nd workshop in this participatory process. Aim of this meeting was to present and discuss the current developments of the Platform Productive Urban Green,…

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INVITE: A Productive Urban Green platform for Berlin, Germany

Today, the Working Group City & Food [AG Stadt & Ernährung], on behalf of Berlin’s (Germany) Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection [Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz], sent out an invitation to Berlin-based community gardeners to the first public presentation of “Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün“ – Gestaltung und Planung des öffentlichen Grüns…

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Berlin develops a charta for its urban green

Last week, Berlin’s (Germany) Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection [Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz] started the second round of a particiaptory online process aimed at the development of a charta for its urban green [Charta für das Berliner Stadtgrün]. The Charta contains concrete aims and guidelines for the development of…

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Lecture to students at the TU Berlin, Germany

Katrin Bohn held a lecture for Master’s students at the Technical University of Berlin’s Institute of Landscape Achitecture and Environmental Planning (ILAUP) in Germany. The lecture was part of the Institute’s “Theory & Practice” lecture series for students of the University’s international Master’s in Urban Design and organised by its Department Landscape Architecture . Open…

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