INVITE: On the History, the Present and Possible Futures of Prinzessinnengarten
A walk with Marco Clausen, one of the founders of one of Berlin’s most prolific community gardens happens this Friday, 30th August 2019 at 6pm. Please meet at the “Laube” in Prinzessinnengarten, Kreuzberg, if you wish to attend.
From the invitation:
“A motorway was once foreseen at this spot. Now, carrots and potatoes grow here—but for how much longer? The Prinzessinnengarten began in 2009 as an interim use project. It is meanwhile famous worldwide as a pioneering example of social and ecological urban gardening. Nonetheless, its future is uncertain. The site was supposed to be sold off to the highest private bidder already in 2012. The “Let It Grow” campaign with its petition signed by 30,000 managed to prevent that. The present management Nomadisch Grün GmbH has announced it will leave Moritzplatz at the end of 2019. In parallel, the Initiative Prinzessinnengarten has been launched with the goal of retaining the site long-term as a public commons. On the walk, Clausen tells the history of the garden in light of broader developments in the district over the last ten years. He presents the work of the Initiative Prinzessinnengarten and discusses with participants the pressing need to forge a different kind of city with new relationships to rural space, given the dramatic social and ecological crisis we are now facing.”
In 2010, when Katrin Bohn started cooperating with Marco Clausen and Robert Shaw, Marco spoke about the significance of the CPUL book as one of the inspirations when setting up Prinzessinnengarten.
For further information on the event see here.
For information on Prinzessinnengarten see here.
Image: Aerial view of Berlin’s community garden Prinzessinnengarten (source: Prinzessinnengarten/Nachbarschaftsakademie www 2019)