Platform Productive Urban Green holds its 2nd participatory workshop, Germany
After its successful first stakeholder workshop towards the end of March, the Working Group City & Food [AG Stadt & Ernährung] invited a selected group of Berlin-based community gardeners to the 2nd workshop in this participatory process. Aim of this meeting was to present and discuss the current developments of the Platform Productive Urban Green, mainly how the ideas and recommentations voiced during the first stakeholder workshop have been integrated.
The Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün – Gestaltung und Planung des öffentlichen Grüns [Platform Productive Urban Green – Design and planning of open green space] is an initiative by the Senate of Berlin. A key component of the platform – to be launched first – will be the website “Community Gardens [Gemeinschaftsgärten]” intended to become an innovative tool of exchange and networking for and by Berlin’s community gardeners.
Katrin Bohn is a founder member of the Berlin-based Working Group City & Food and, with Beatrice Walthall, accompanies the project for this group.
For further information on the Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün see here.
For information on the Working Group City & Food see here.
Image: The new Platform Productive Urban Green and its 1st key component, the website “Community Gardens”, are embedded into Berlin’s political, activists and administrative processes. (source: AG Stadt & Ernährung 2019)