Session 3: Michael Sy & Pauline Gail Martinez

About Michael

Michael Sy, University of the Philippines Manila

I am a Filipino occupational therapist and currently designated as Associate Professor at the National Teacher Training Centre for the Health Professions, University of the Philippines Manila. I did my Ph.D. in occupational therapy where I studied about bridging the concept and practice of occupational justice among occupational therapists and justice workers in the field of substance addiction. My exposure to drugs and addiction scholarship led me to further explore what else is (un)known about the dark side of occupations. This allowed me to work on a recent study, with Pauline and Bex, that examined a group of people whose aim is to engage in hidden doings to become “beautiful”.

About Pauline

Pauline Gail Martinez, Angeles University Foundation

I am a Filipino occupational therapist and a lecturer in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Angeles University Foundation. Currently, I am a Diploma/Master of International Health graduate student in the University of the Philippines Open University. My research interests include occupational therapy education, occupational science, interprofessional collaboration, and global health.

Session Title

The doings and occupations of those who desire to be “beautiful”

Session Details

Learning aims:

  • Describe the group culture of people who desire to be “beautiful” through the world of beauty pageants
  • Discuss the different perspective on pageantry work
  • Discuss essential and hidden occupations performed within the context of beauty pageants
The presentation will be largely drawn from the following work:

Sy, M. P., Martinez, P., & Twinley, R. (2021). The dark side of occupation within the context of modern-day beauty pageantsWork (Reading, Mass.), 10.3233/WOR-205055. Advance online publication.

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