It has been a couple of years since I wrote A (Work) Day in the Life. I enjoyed looking back at it because I realise I was at peak productivity… or maybe I’m just conscious of my procrastination levels now. During my working from home, I let a lot of boundaries blur – and I am actively trying to be more structured in my day. However, I thought it would be useful to review my current habits (and that should hopefully encourage me to take better care of myself).
8:10 I normally wake up when my partner brings me a cup of tea and a smoothie. I used to have breakfast in the morning but for the past six or so months I panic in the morning. As a result, eating is tough – so I just sit up and stare into space as I attempt to clear my mind.

bedside table with toolbox, LED lamp, bluetooth speaker, smartwatch, diffuser and coasters.
8:20 On a good day I listen to Headspace or put my diffuser on. On a bad day I pick up my Chromebook and log into my work accounts.
8:30 I officially start work, so I look at my outstanding emails and do any chasing.
9:00 I look at local/national news for care-related stories or widening participation events. I collect them together so I can send a monthly digest to my contacts.
9:20 I normally start on my smaller tasks at this time; these are allocated to me in my fortnightly meetings with the Chair of the company I work at (as Chair, her role is also that of my line manager).
10:00 Break. It might be a little early for a break but sometimes I’ll have brunch and/or another cup of tea. I also leave my desk (or my bed, if I’m using my Chromebook in bed) and think about my work so far. I do this as I am very guilty of forgetting things when people don’t respond to my chasers! So I make a list of people I need to follow up with.
10:05 Plan/research for upcoming events (find out what training providers can offer, cost, availability, tech requirements…)
10:40 Read minutes and updates from meetings I attend – or have attended that week).
11:00 Check the email address associated with my workplace website.
11:15 Outstanding project work (when I’m stuck this time is usually spent researching what other widening participation teams do)
12:00 Writing on paper; brain dump time – this has duel purpose; to give my eyes a rest from the screen and to work through any challenges I encounter.
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Look at my workplace intranet, virtual learning environment, and use any specific databases (like the finance system, helpdesk, HR portal…)
14:10 More outstanding project work (though I try to do the funner tasks in the afternoon; like writing content for reports – as I love writing).
14:40 Another break
14:45 Website updates and social media viewing (to be honest, I need to get better at this!!!).
15:00 Update my calendar and to-do list
15:10 Backburner stuff or overspill time (I know this isn’t a great name) – do things I’ve been putting off due to higher priority tasks taking place, or a time to continue on high priority tasks that need a lot of my attention.
16:00 More writing on paper and/or reviewing my notes
16:40 Round-up and catch-up; as I try to wind down for hometime I try to end my outstanding tasks in a place that feels suitable and check in with some colleagues.