About Claudia

I’m Claudia Van-Nimwegen (Claud for short!)

I make art that matters.

I have worked across both Physical and Technical Theatre, Production Journalism, Film/Photography and as a Motivational Speaker and Mental Health Advocate: exploring well-being and discovering my authentic identity within the creative industries.

Loosely defining myself as a neurodiverse,‘Inclusive Theatre Artist’ and Creative Educator; I use my personal lived experiences surrounding disability, technology and mental health as inspiration for creating impactful, thought provoking works of performance art that fuse both the occurrences of daily life and the digital realms together.

I am currently studying for an MA in Inclusive Arts Practice at the University of Brighton; and am interested in exploring how digital storytelling can support creative opportunities for people with neurodiversity.

Everything happens once… and never the same again.


Contact me at: c.van-nimwegen1@uni.brighton.ac.uk


About the digital portfolio:

I have chosen to present my ‘digital portfolio’ in the form of a website. I have used EduBlogs because I felt as the content is academically course related, I would benefit from creating it using an internal University system.

To me, ‘digital portfolio’ (as per written on the assignment brief) instantly inspired me to do a website.

As an individual who is from a traditionally ‘technical’ creative background; it has been an enjoyable experience to delve into the world of creating artworks: expanding my horizons as a digital artist and as a keen inclusive and participatory practitioner. I am always looking beyond boundaries, stretching my limits and producing work that challenges me.

The website is written in first person, as I present my work in a blog style format with my thoughts and inspirations existing alongside the artwork I have produced. I feel it is somewhat reflective of my journey through not only the course, but through life: thinking, feeling, experiencing, writing.

For simplicity and ease of access, the website features different pages each with posts about particular themes as follows:

About me: Short artist’s statement.

Independent Practice: My practice as a Neurodiverse Theatre Artist.

Participatory Practice: My journey through the module and the course.

Research: A page of interesting quotes and research I have collected that informs my practice (theory based).

Reflections: Personal reflections about my progression and development through ‘life’.

Although this submission link is for Independent Practice; the Participatory Practice and Reflections tabs has relevant information to my individual practice and development as an artist.

I hope you find my assignment submission to be an insight into my world as a creative individual and the format as a work of art in itself – a representation of my independent practice.

Claud Van-Nimwegen

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