Primary Mentor Menu

Welcome to our a la carte mentor training options to further extend and supplement your mentor training experience and provide CPD for you.

Each session below can be accessed at your own pace, and has been created to deliver bit sized chunks of training

Session Name Added Synopsis Time Format Link to training module
Details for mentors of School Based Training assessment requirements
A session detailing SBT assessment requirements from mentors 15 mins Narrated PowerPoint Link direct to module
An introduction to mentorship with the UoB
Steps to mentor success linked to the UoB Keys to Quality 15 mins Narrated video Link direct to module
Observing other teachers’ lessons – A guide for Trainees and their mentors
A guide to help trainees and mentors get the most from observing expert colleagues 10 mins Written document Link direct to module
How to create effective targets and actions
A guide for setting effective targets and actions for trainee teachers  10 mins Written document Link direct to module

Checklist for reviewing PSHE education lesson plans


Lesson Observation for PSHE


A checklist to support trainee and practising students 


A guide for lesson observation in PSHE

5 mins Written document

Link to Checklist


Link to lesson observation


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