Two upcoming events

1)  More years of good health and wellbeing. Mission impossible? Jörg Huber Professor of Health Sciences,  Inaugural lecture –

Thursday 29 October 2015 at 6.30pm  Asa Briggs Hall Checkland Building,

Life expectancy has been increasing for some time now and further increases are expected. However, the number of years we live a healthy life has barely increased. This conundrum of long lives in combination with poor health and wellbeing has been an interest of mine for some time now although not always deliberately so. Improving health and wellbeing has been the focus of many efforts, and my own research reflects some of these efforts: research on physical activity, diet, smoking and alcohol consumption, and above all on diabetes as a major chronic condition will look at some of the options which are available to achieve the impossible: better health, better wellbeing and a better life.

Booking is essential. To register for this event, please book via the online shop: or email 

the promotional poster is at : Inaugural poster Jörg Huber v3

2) Health as an outcome of social practices: Re-conceptualising health education through a socio-technical lens

Thurs 15th October, 4 – 5.30pm, M126, Mayfield, Falmer 

Dr Cecily MallerSenior Research Fellow and Co-Leader Beyond Behaviour Change Research Program, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University, Australia

All welcome. for further info and to register your attendance please click here::  All welcome cecily maller


Brighton& Hove City Council public health department is embarking on a BIG SUGAR DEBATE in September/ October asking ‘should action be taken to promote sugar reduction?’…. for example by working with food outlets and retailers to promote healthier options.

I am collaborating with the coordinator, Harriet Knights on some joint projects and activities which link with the childhood obesity prevention projects our health promotion team is  already involved in.

Would you like to help out by doing a “photo transect” of sugar in your life? We are looking for 4 volunteers who live or work in Brighton & Hove, who will take photos of sugar/sugary foods and drinks for a 24 hour period – on Saturday September 19th. The photos will be uploaded and captioned  -and then used in social media etc for the ongoing Big Debate campaign.  This would be great preparation work for any student planning to do the Nutrition in Public Health module.  Below is an example from my first hour this morning – sugar pot on display beside my kettle, sugary drink on roadside advert on my way to University… If you are interested, please email me. There is a £10.00 thank you voucher from the council -or a free cinema ticket to That Sugar Film -see below.


There will be on forthcoming online consultation to fill in – which I will post here.

Meanwhile – we are trying to get enough people interested for a screening of That Sugar Film  – at Komedia Duke of Yorks Monday 26th Ocbober 9pm – (tickets £10.00)  and we need people to sign up and register in order for the screening to happen – please click on the link and spread the word.

This might be a nice social gathering to meet up before the screening.

Seminar reminder ‘Food Security Governance: empowering communities, regulating corporations’


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Reminder of the seminar on Thursday – see .

STEPS Centre Seminar, 1.00-2.00 Thursday 14 May, Institue of Development Studi
es  Convening Space

 ‘Food Security Governance: empowering communities, regulating corporations’

 By Nora McKeon

Nora McKeon studied history at Harvard and political science at the Sorbonne before joining the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations where she directed the organization’s relations with civil society. A major focus of her work was opening FAO up to civil society/social movements.

“Today’s global food system generates hunger alongside of land grabs, food waste, health problems, massive greenhouse gas emissions. Nora McKeon’s new book explains why we find ourselves in this situation and explores what we can do to change it. In her talk she will review how the international community (mis)handled food issues since WWII up to the food crisis of 2007-2008, privileging short term national or private interests over long-term public goals of equity and sustainability. She will contrast how actors link up in corporate global food chains – in which producers, consumers and the environment are the losers – and in the local food systems that are considered to be “alternative” but in fact feed most of the world’s population. She will explain how the financial and structural power of corporations, allied to discourse that portrays their approach to meeting the world’s food needs as “modern” and “productive”, allows them to set the rules to their advantage.”