Seminar – workplace health promotion in Sweden Wed 9th Nov

Dr Robert Larsson is visiting the SHS as part of our Erasmus + relationship with the Mälardalen University in Sweden.  He is a lecturer in Public Health Sciences and is presenting his doctoral thesis Managing workplace health promotion in municipal organisations on Wednesday 9th November 2pm – 4pm  Falmer Campus ,  Room 361 (top floor Westlain house).


Managing workplace health promotion in municipal organisations

The workplace is a suitable setting for health promotion, not least due to the amount of time employees spend at work. Drawing on the concept of workplace health promotion (WHP), the aim of this presentation is to describe how WHP is managed and implemented in Swedish municipal organisations. The presentation is based on my doctoral thesis which builds on three empirical studies. Both quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (interviews & documents) data collection methods were used. From the thesis, it can be concluded that WHP management is dominated by measures directed towards the individual employee and needs to include more of psychosocial and organisational measures. Furthermore, the varied organisational conditions for municipal managers as well as the support from senior management and human resources staff needs to be considered and ensured as part of an active and continuous WHP practice.