I have been brainstorming for an idea for my final major project, I have taken the four groups that I have been studying and brainstormed all the different ideas I could think of that I could do for my project. After much deliberation, I have decided on two different approaches.
Idea 1: Launching an adaptable clothing range for old people that have physical problems that make dressing themselves an impossible task. This range would help them gain independence back and also the clothing would be made in the UK and fashionable so no need for the tracksuit bottoms.
If I took this idea forward for my final piece I could create:
- A print campaign, eg. poster and flyers
- Adverts for the TV and radio
- Booklet to go into the newspaper
- Business Cards
- Online Website/ Social Media
- Brand Booklet
Idea 2: Is a charity that creates personalized care packages that go to people who are going through cancer. The boxes will be individual to the person so each package would depend on what cancer they have, what treatment they are having and what they like and dislike. The campaign would be a collaboration with M&S who would be making adaptable nightwear and loungewear to go in the parcels. To fund this, they would create a range of nightwear and loungewear that they would sell instore and online and 20% of the sales would go towards making the adaptable nightwear to go in the parcels.
If I took this idea forward for my final piece I could create:
- A print campaign, eg. poster and flyers
- Brand Pack
- Launch Event Book
- Fully Working Website/ Social Media
- One fully produced Care Package
I’m torn between these two ideas, so I’m going to try and create some imagery and see if that helps me choose what my final design will be.