Conference Programme

Registration with tea and coffee | CETLD Room | 8.45 – 9.15
Introduction: Margaretta Jolly and Lucy Noakes | CRD Board Room | 9.15 – 9.25
Session 1:
Panel 1: Intimate Wars | CRD Board Room | 9.30 – 11
Theresa Edlmann
Personal and political: making sense of South African Defence Force soldiers’ stories
Victoria Harrison
World War, personal conflict: questions of identity in young girls’ autobiographical writings of World War II
Florence Fröhlig
Transcending European heritage. The Soviet prison camp of Tambov: social production of memory and memorial acting
Panel 2: Memorialising Lives | CETLD Room | 9.30 – 11
Aline Gaus
Lest We Forget, war memory and identity
Eleanor Bavidge
Heterotopias of memory: roadside memorials and the transformation of space
Christopher Vardy
Media and memorialisation in the work of Gordon Burn
Panel 3: Representing the Spaces of Public-Private Life | Board Room | 9.30 – 11
Catherine Page
From flea pit to art house: how and why the Duke of York’s survived through the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s
Fergus Heron
Photographs: Shopping Centres
Aniruddha Ghosal
Conflation of the Public and the Private in Nadine Gordimer’s My Son’s Story
Panel 4: Feminisms and the Politics of Personal Lives | Room 204 | 9.30 – 11
Marilisa Malizia
“Disarmed as regards outside.” From the non-position to the ethical turn: feminist ways of being political
Diane Trusson
Narrative constructions of personal and collective meanings of breast cancer
Eve Gianoncelli
From the personal to the universal: the question of experience in Audre Lorde’s and bell hook’s works
Tea/Coffee | Cafeteria | 11 – 11.15
Session 2
Panel 1: Reading Archives, Reconstructing Lives | CRD Board Room |11.15 – 12.15
Luciana-Marioara Jinga
A party for all: Collective biography, identity and symbolic representation of women during the Romanian communist regime
Jane Hattrick
Through the archive: the public life and private world of the Queen’s couturier
Panel 2: Creative Practice and the Representation of the Self | CETLD Room | 11.15 – 12.45
Verusca Calabria
The One and Other project
Michael Wilson
Bright screen would I were steadfast as thou art: ‘public possibility’ in writing for electronic media
Amanda Holloway
Reframing the self between memory, experience and belonging in contemporary photographic art from Northern Ireland
Panel 3: Places of Memory in Visual Practice | Board Room | 11.15 – 12.45
Chu YinHua
Staging memories: Mise en Scène the ‘Imagined Cities’ in photographic practice Peter Bennett
Robert Frank’s later work: stories of displacement/ layers of time and place
Jolene Mairs
Prisons memory archive: audio visual recordings of experiences within prison in Northern Ireland during the Troubles
Panel 4: Gender and Sexuality Across Public and Private Spheres | Room 204 | 11.15 – 12.15
Andrea Thomson
‘Kept the house together’: remembering marriage and family in Glasgow, c.1945-1980
Jenny Keane
‘The problem of repress entability’: lesbian depiction in contemporary art
Lunch 12.45 – 1.45
Session 3
Panel 1: Life Histories and Public Institutions | CRD Board Room | 1.45 – 3.15
Sharon M Spooner
Inside stories; an exploration of the work experience of doctors through embedded research
Kathryn Breda Feehan
Career routes and life history research: exploring business graduate careers
Helen Roche
Recollecting the Nazi past: correspondence and conversation with ex-pupils of the Third Reich’s elite schools
Panel 2: Artistic Re-Assessment of Public and Private Worlds | CETLD Room | 1.45 – 3.15
Christopher Torry
Sarah Haybittle
Private life – public face: visualising histories of silence
Anna K. England
The public and private life of homosexuals in Polish art after 1989
Panel 3: The Threatened State: Policing Public Life | Board Room | 1.45 – 2.45
Nikolaos Efstratiou
Warning: Do Not Take This Picture
Ged Robinson
Albert’s Story
Tea/Coffee | Cafeteria | 3.15 – 3.30
Plenary and Keynote | CRD Board Room | 3.30 – 5
Keynote speaker: Maria Lauret
Life in a box: the Truus van Bruinessen Archive, or: how a private life becomes public