Dr Sam Carroll

School of Humanities and Social Science


Sam is a life historian with a range of experience in both the academic and community arenas. She is the administrator for the Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories (CMNH) and Steering Group member with responsibility for community history. She represents CMNH on the Centre for Life History and Life Writing at the University of Sussex and is on the management committee of QueenSpark Books. She was employed at the University of Sussex (2004 to 2012), teaching on access, graduate and postgraduate level programmes. Publications include ‘Danger! Official Secret: the spies for peace: Discretion and disclosure in the Committee of 100’, History Workshop Journal (2010); and ‘ “I was arrested at Greenham in 1962′: Investigating the oral narratives of women in the Committee of 100, 1962-1968’, Oral History (2004).

Dr Thomas Carter

School of Sport and Health Science


Thomas is the Director of the Centre of Sport, Tourism and Leisure Studies and an anthropologist with diverse research interests. They centre on a number of questions embedded in sport: from the politics of spectacle and the negotiations of identity to the politics of citizenship and sovereignty and experiences of transnational migrants. He conducts ethnographic fieldwork in various locales including Cuba, the United States and England in addition to earlier fieldwork elsewhere in the UK and around the world. Thomas is the author of two ethnographies: The Quality of Home Runs (Duke U Press, 2008) and In Foreign Fields (Pluto, 2011). His current interests revolve around issues related to the production of the Coast, movement, spectacle, and place.

Dr Christian Hogsbjerg

School of Humanities and Social Science


Christian works on Caribbean history, the black presence in imperial Britain, the black experience of the British Empire, and wider reparative histories of race and resistance. He is the author of C.L.R. James in Imperial Britain (Duke University Press, 2014) and the co-author (with Charles Forsdick) of Toussaint Louverture: A Black Jacobin in the Age of Revolutions (Pluto Press, 2017).

Dr Zeina El Maasri 

School of Humanities and Social Science


Zeina El Maasri is a cultural historian with research specialisms in Middle East Studies and in global and postcolonial visual culture. Her work is historically focused on post-1945 struggles for decolonization, transnational anti-imperialist solidarities and violent conflicts, as complicated by the Cold War. She is the author of Off the Wall: Political Posters of the Lebanese Civil War (IB Tauris 2009), and curator of related travelling exhibitions and an online archival resource (www.signsofconflict.org).

Aine McKenny

School of Humanities and Social Science


Áine McKenny is a PhD researcher based in the Centre for Memory, Narrative and Histories and the Centre for Design History at the University of Brighton and she is a joint representative of PGR membership. Her thesis title is The Women of the Troubles: Presence and Absence in Public Memory and her research interests include gender, history, art, conflict and the display of these subjects in exhibition spaces. Her current research examines how women’s experiences of the Troubles in Northern Ireland are presented within exhibitions on the conflict. Outside of her studies, she has professional experience working for archives and art galleries in administration, curation, events, education and research.

Dr Hilary S. Morris

School of Education


I am an established medical historian currently researching the highly complex relationship between the military and civilian population of eighteenth and nineteenth century Britain with emphasis on the development of preventative health in the period prior to the reforms of the post Crimean period. This remains an area which has to date attracted little in-depth analysis and therefore has been significantly misunderstood particularly in terms of identifying shared concerns relating to the nature of illness and health. I also maintain a general interest in establishing medical history within the wider field of medical humanities and the opportunities this creates in understanding the nature of illness from a wide range of accounts and interpretations.

Dr Catherine Palmer

Independent Scholar


I am a social anthropologist with experience in ethnographic methods such as observation, interviewing, and photo‐elicitation. My research interests lie in the broad area of culture, space and place, with a particular focus on tourism, heritage, memorialisation and embodiment. Specifically, I seek to explore how heritage sites such as castles, houses, museums are embodied and ‘used’, imagined, remembered, memorialised and contested; and how the construction and experience of identity is woven into and through such sites and embedded in the places, objects, landscapes and people encountered as part of the heritage experience. I am particularly interested in commemorative landscapes of war; in so-called ‘dark tourism’ where the memorialisation of conflict and death may over time become imprinted with a heritage label; and in the whole area of visitor engagement and experience, the encounter with death and the consequences of its aftermath, through the buildings, monuments, objects, and ‘souvenirs’ of post‐conflict heritage.

Dr Anita Rupprecht

School of Humanities and Social Science


My interdisciplinary research interests focus on the Anglo-American slave trades, slavery and empire. I am particularly interested in the politics of history making, representation and cultural memory in this context. I have published on the relationship between discourses of sentiment and political economy in relation to the representation of British transatlantic slavery, the shaping of British emancipation in the Caribbean and the representation of slave trading and resistance in late eighteenth and early nineteenth century abolitionism. More recently, I have been engaged in research on the development of maritime financial insurance in the context of the transatlantic slave trade and slave ship rebellion. This work is framed by the contemporary politicisation of cultural memory in relation to the campaign for reparations and a critical and reflective engagement with the politics of archival research. Most broadly, I am interested in how we might conceptualise and trace the historical legacies of transatlantic slavery and how they can be represented in the contemporary moment.

Vanessa Tautter

School of Humanities and Social Science


Vanessa is a joint representative of PGR membership.  Her PhD  entitled “Exclusive and Excluding Perspectives on the Past: Narratives of Victimisation among the Contemporary Right in Austria and Northern Ireland” explores how such changes in hegemonic memory cultures have been experienced by those who identify, or used to identify, with the previous cultural hegemony. She is interested in the ways in which they compose memories of the past and position themselves in relation to the newly hegemonic memory frames and the respective narratives of victimisation advanced by them. Additionally, she is also interested in how the general shift in memory culture and their personal positioning in relation to it affects their relationship with political parties and cultural organisations.

Dr Lesley Whitworth

Design Archives


Lesley is a social historian trained at Brighton and Warwick universities. Her doctoral research made extensive use of oral testimonies gathered in pursuit of a more nuanced understanding of gendered domestic and consumption practices in the British Midlands in the interwar period. She is Deputy Curator and Senior Research Fellow in the University of Brighton Design Archives, where she helps to look after, and make available to researchers, over 1000 linear metres of records relating to both individuals and organisations, and pertaining to the making of modern environments. She continues to pursue forms of history that judiciously juxtapose personal narratives with visual evidence and records of a more traditional kind, and her recent published work and presentations have considered various aspects of the popular engagement of the Council of Industrial Design (now Design Council)