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Category Seminars 2019/20

CMNH Seminar: Scenes of trauma: photographs of conflict and post conflict Northern Ireland

18th Mar 2020 5:30pm-7:00pm G4, Grand Parade   Unfortunately this event has been cancelled, we hope to reschedule at some point in the future.   ALL of CMNH’s‘ real-world/face-to-face activities are cancelled until it’s deemed safe for everyone to revert to normal… Continue Reading →

CMNH Seminar: Imperial hierarchy, the civilizing mission, and memorialization after the First World War

25th Mar 2020 5:30pm-7:00pm M2, Grand Parade ALL of CMNH’s‘ real-world/face-to-face activities are cancelled until it’s deemed safe for everyone to revert to normal life. The risks to people’s health in carrying on as usual are now clearly too great, and it would… Continue Reading →

CMNH Seminar: Stranded in the Six-Day War

5th Feb 2020 5:30pm-7:00pm G4, Grand Parade Cath Senker will give an illustrated talk about the 14 merchant ships that became trapped in the Suez Canal during the Six-Day War in 1967 and were marooned there for eight years. It… Continue Reading →

CMNH Seminar: Un|Broken Silence. Italian Colonialism in Family Memories

22nd Jan 2020 5:30pm-7:00pm G4, Grand Parade Markus Wurzer (University of Graz) In May 1936, the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was at the zenith of his power: Italian troops had just conquered Addis Ababa, the capital of the Empire of… Continue Reading →

CMNH Seminar: Crying In The Gallery

13th Nov 2019 5:30pm-7:00pm G4, Grand Parade Alice Procter What happens if we use museums as sites of grief? This talk explores the ways we approach emotion and loss in galleries, and how we can learn to make space for… Continue Reading →

CMNH Seminar: Invisible London: Memory, Place and Identity in the Life Narratives of Londoners

16th Oct 2019 5:30pm-7:00pm G4, Grand Parade Erica Masserano (University of East London) London and many other communities across the UK and the world are undergoing fast-paced bouts of gentrification, with few residents actually being able to participate in the… Continue Reading →

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