Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid /Podcast Show Quotes April 2024

As we approach the end of April, I want to remind #potentialusers of the many reasons why they should opt for or consider ‘Traditional African Methods of Settling Disputes’ or the ‘Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR).’

The Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show April 2024 quotes features a quote from the pioneer director of the Oyo State Multi-Door Courthouse, Mrs Anuolu Gade, in (2021) Episode 17: Oyo State Multi-Door Courthouse (OYSMDC) as it stands today -Under the Leadership of Mrs Anuolu Gade encapsulates some of these reasons-

‘In Nigeria, litigation can be a frustrating experience that often leaves litigants financially drained. However, the Oyo State Multi-Door Courthouse (OYSMDC) offers a user-friendly ADR mechanism that is quick, inexpensive, and helps build and preserve relationships.

As the Yoruba saying goes, “You do not go to court and come back as friends; you end up as permanent enemies.”

The OYSMDC offers several benefits, including enhancing businesses in the state in a short time. When people bring their cases to the centre, they can expect to resolve their disputes amicably within one or two sessions’- Mrs Anuolu Gade, the Director of the OYSMDC On The EVA Show 2021.

I recommend you listen to the full Podcast with the link below:

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New Series- Knock Knock: ADR Driving Innovation in the Housing Disputes By Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show

Looking for ways to resolve housing disputes more effectively? You do not want to miss this series! As it explores how ADR can be used to settle such conflicts/disputes.

****It is imperative to state that Dr Chinwe and Alec Chapa collaborated to get this series title.

Stay Tuned!


#podcast #ADR #housing #housingdisputes #accesstojustice #reform #knockknock #tenants #landlords #lease #organisation #highereducation #mortagage #research #innovation #technology #digitaltechnology #diversity #inclusion #equity #researchmethods #pedogagy #marketing #marketingadr #disputeresolution #interviews #awareness #collaboration #education #vousparlezadr #massadvocacyadr #letsmakeadrgoviral #viral #asia #usa #argentina #england #wales #nigeria #africa #europe #latinamerica #southamerica #northamerica #westafrica #northafrica #world

#Music credit: vamos Argentina by Sanger Dika #capcut
#video credit: #capcut #tiktok

Achievements of the American Bar Association (ABA) Dispute Resolution with Ana Sambold, Esq (Vid /Podcast)



I was privileged to engage in a stimulating and thought-provoking conversation with Ana Sambold, Esq, the Chair of the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Dispute Resolution for the 2023-2024 Bar Year on Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast show. Ana Sambold is a California attorney, mediator, and arbitrator and one of the leading figures in the field of dispute resolution in the world. With over a decade of experience, she has served as a neutral in over 1,000 cases across a broad spectrum of civil litigation matters.

She is also a Negotiation Professor at the University of San Diego School of Law and has taught extensively in conflict resolution, negotiation, and ADR globally. She is fully bilingual (English/Spanish) enabling her to effectively mediate and teach in both languages. Ana has also served as the Chair of the San Diego County Bar Association ADR Section, Co-Chair of the California Lawyers Association ADR Committee, and President of the San Diego Law Library Foundation, among other leadership roles.

She wears many hats, so I have left the links to her profile below:…

In this series, Ana provided a comprehensive overview of what led to the establishment of the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution. She then delved into the Section’s role and functions, highlighting how it serves the broader community.

Additionally, Ana touched on the Section’s efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity and the benefits they have yielded. One notable effort is the approval of Resolution 105 in 2018 by the ABA House of Delegates, which aimed to increase diversity in dispute resolution. We also examined some of the Section’s significant achievements within the larger context of the organisation. These achievements include Resolution 500, which strongly urges increased use of Early Dispute Resolution (EDR), while Resolution 703 approved the Uniform Collaborative Law Rules and Uniform Collaborative Law Act (UCLA) and Resolution 501, which underscores the principle of Civility as the cornerstone of democracy and the rule of law.

Ana went on to provide a detailed outline of the new programmes available at the upcoming 2024 Dispute Resolution Spring Conference, which will be held from April 10th to 13th in San Diego, California. Finally, Ana elaborated on the perks of being an American Bar Association (ABA) Dispute Resolution Section member.


Please subscribe to the EVA YouTube channel & listen to this series on all podcast channels– #audible #apple #amazon #overcast #google #spotify #listennotes #playerfm #pocketcasts #anghami

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Achievements of the American Bar Association (ABA) Dispute Resolution with Ana Sambold, Esq

Looking forward to the podcast session with the Chair of the ABA Dispute Resolution, Ana Sambold, Esq, on Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast show.
Ana Sambold is a California attorney, mediator, and arbitrator and one of the leading figures in the field of dispute resolution in the world.  With over a decade of experience, she has served as a neutral in over 1,000 cases across a broad spectrum of civil litigation matters. She is also a Negotiation Professor at the University of San Diego School of Law and has taught extensively in conflict resolution, negotiation, and ADR globally. She is fully bilingual (English/Spanish) enabling her to effectively mediate and teach in both languages.

Currently, she chairs the ABA Dispute Resolution Section for 2023-2024, leading the largest association of dispute resolution professionals in the world. She has also served as the Chair of the San Diego County Bar Association ADR Section, Co-Chair of the California Lawyers Association ADR Committee, President of the San Diego Law Library Foundation, among other leadership roles.

Stay Tuned!
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The Adoption of Resolution 500-American Bar Association (ABA) House of Delegates

On February 5, 2024, during the ABA Mid-Year Meeting held in Louisville, Kentucky, the ABA House of Delegates unanimously approved Resolution 500, which strongly urges the increased use of Early Dispute Resolution (EDR).

Resolution 500 states: “RESOLVED, that The American Bar Association (ABA) urges lawyers and all interested parties to increase the informed and voluntary use of EDR: party-directed, non-adjudicative approaches to resolving disputes in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner, including, but not limited to, direct negotiation, mediation, and ombuds.”

It is imperative to state that the EDR Committee acknowledges the support of former EDR Committee Co-Chair and ABA Dispute Resolution (DR) Section current Council member Mary Cullen and ABA Ombuds Committee Co-Chair Meg Willoughby, who worked with Ellie Vilendrer and Felicia Harris Hoss, the current co-chairs of EDR, in drafting the Resolution and supporting the Report.

Furthermore, they appreciate the current ABA DR Section Chair Ana Sambold, Past DR Section Chairs and current Delegates David Larson and James Alfini, DR Section Director Jennifer Michel, Past DR Section Chair Myra Selby, and Merril Hirsh for their sound guidance and support.

 Finally, the Committee is thrilled to have worked alongside the Resolution’s Co-Sponsors, the ABA Section of State and Local Government and ABA Senior Lawyers Division, and to have earned the support of the following: ABA Business Law Section, ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law, ABA Young Lawyers Division, and ABA Section of Government and Public Sector Lawyers.

 Please see the video of the presentations made at the ABA Mid-Year Meeting in support of the Resolution<>

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ABA EDR Committee Co-Chairs 2023-2024, Ellie Vilendrer and Felicia Harris Hoss

ABA <>

What ADR Book Are You Reading? The Magic in Mediation with Author Ken Cloke #podcast #EVA

I am excited about the upcoming #podcast episode on ‘Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid/Podcast Show’ featuring a renowned ADR Legend and a thought leader in Dispute Resolution- Professor Kenneth Cloke. He is the Director of the Center for Dispute Resolution, a mediator, arbitrator, consultant, and trainer specializing in communication, negotiation, and resolving complex multi-party conflicts, including community, grievance and workplace disputes, collective bargaining negotiations, organizational and school conflicts, sexual harassment and discrimination lawsuits, and public policy disputes, and in designing preventative conflict resolution systems for organisations.

He has mediated conflicts and taught dispute resolution in over 20 countries. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at Pepperdine University School of Law, Harvard University’s School of Law and Amsterdam University’s Institute on Dispute Resolution. He is an internationally recognized speaker and author of Mediation: Revenge and the Magic of Forgiveness; Mediating Dangerously: The Frontiers of Conflict Resolution; The Crossroads of Conflict: A Journey into the Heart of Dispute Resolution; Conflict Revolution (1st and 2nd Editions); and The Dance of Opposites: Explorations in Mediation, Dialogue and Conflict Resolution Systems DesignPolitics, Dialogue and the Evolution of DemocracyWords of Wisdom; and co-author with Joan Goldsmith of Thank God It’s Monday! 14 Values We Need to Humanize the Way We Work; Resolving Personal and Organizational Conflict; The End of Management and the Rise of Organizational Democracy; The Art of Waking People Up: Cultivating Awareness and Authenticity at Work; and Resolving Conflicts At Work: Ten Strategies For Everyone On The Job (1st-3rd Editions) and The Magic in Mediation A Search for Symmetries, Metaphors and Scale-Free Practices– amongst others.

Prof Ken’s teaching includes mediation, law, history, political science, conflict studies, urban studies, and other topics at several colleges and universities.  He has done conflict resolution work in Africa, Armenia, Australia, Austria, #Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, China, #Cuba, Denmark, England, Georgia, #Greece, India, Ireland, #Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, #Pakistan, #Puerto Rico, #Scotland, #Slovenia, Spain, #Thailand, #Turkey, Ukraine, USSR, and Zimbabwe.

He served as an Administrative Law Judge for the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board and the Public Employment Relations Board, a Factfinder for the Public Employment Relations Board, and a #judge Pro Tem for the Superior Court of Los Angeles.

He received his B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley; J.D. from U.C. Berkeley’s Boalt Law School; Ph.D. from U.C.L.A.; LLM from U.C.L.A. Law School; and did post-doctoral work at Yale University School of Law.  He is a graduate of the National Judicial College and has taken graduate-level courses in a variety of subjects.

Kenneth Cloke is the key founder and leader of Mediators Beyond Borders (MBB). He has assembled a team of dedicated conflict resolution professionals to implement the mission of MBB. He is currently involved with MBB’s developing Rwanda project as the Board Liaison.

P.S: Grab a copy of the book (The Magic in Mediation A Search for Symmetries, Metaphors and Scale-Free Practices) on Amazon with the link  below:



Stay Tuned!

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Annual Peacemaking Colloquium 2023 – #Panellist





I am delighted to confirm my attendance at the upcoming Peacemaking Colloquium 2023, scheduled for September 29th. As a panellist, I shall expound on my latest research paper on ‘The Traditional African Method of Settling Disputes (TAMSD): The ‘New’ Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).’

This is an exceptional opportunity for me to share my knowledge and experience on TAMSD with other participants and gain valuable insights into diverse peacemaking history and techniques from the other esteemed panellists.

Save the Date!

Hosted by Christy Chapman
Honourable Timothy P. Connors
Honourable Little Wind-Capstone Speaker
International Peacemakers Panel
Justice Beyond Punishment



#gratitude, #Justice Cheryl Fairbanks #letsmakeadrgoviral #newmexico #peace #colloquium #sovereignty360 #traditionalafricanmethodofsettlingdisputes #indegeniousmethod #adr #disputeresolution #peacemaking #research #vousparlezadr #usa #diversity #inclusion #expertviewsonadrvidpodcastshow #ersc #uniofbrighton #podcast #apple #spotify #google #overcast #audible #amazon