Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics

Category 2022 – 23 | Disability Politics (online)

Neither Appropriated Nor Expropriated: Notes Towards an Autonomist Cripistemology of the ‘Productive Body’

10 May 2023 online Arianna Introna   In their The Productive Body François Guéry and Didier Deleule examine as central to the socialization of the labor-power contained in the biological body the mediation of what they call ‘the productive body’ (Guéry and… Continue Reading →

Identity, Work, and The Centrality of Disablement to the Reproduction of Capitalist Social Relations

29th March 2023 online Ioana Cerasella Chis This talk presents a series of arguments developed through the qualitative research project called ‘The Politics of Disablement and Precarious Work in the UK’. In the first part of the talk, I build… Continue Reading →

Genetic Fictions: Imagining Disabled Lives in Contemporary Debates about Prenatal Diagnosis

8 February 2023 online Lucy Burke This talk will explore the complex entanglement of new reproductive technologies, genetics, health economics, rights-based discourses and ethical considerations of the value of human life with particular reference to representations of Down’s syndrome and… Continue Reading →

National Coalition for Latinx with Disabilities (CNLD)

18 January 2023 online It has been over 30 years since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed, but it has only been within the last decade that disabled Latinxs are becoming more visible and demanding disability justice. According… Continue Reading →

The Reinvigorated Social Model of Disability

14  December 2022 online Ellen Clifford  Disabled people in the UK have been subjected to brutal, targeted attacks by government since 2010, largely concealed from the public through spin, lies and strategic U-turns. In 2016 the UN found the UK… Continue Reading →

Workshop | Disability Politics After Covid: ‘Back to Normal’ or Forward to Liberation?

Friday July 16th, online After a decade of intense assault on the social and civil rights of disabled people in the name of austerity, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a further devaluation of disabled people’s lives. Beyond the horrific… Continue Reading →

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