Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics

Category 2019-2020 | Has The Future Been Cancelled?

The ideologies that have buttressed and maintained modern liberalism’s purported ‘end of history’ are wearing thin. The unsustainable nature of the current social order is becoing increasingly apparent. But there appears to be no viable alternative: and with the old left seemingly gone, popular dissent is drifting towards the new right. How might we understand and respond to this? In sort, what is to be done?

Adorno: Back to Commitment

Patricia McManus, University of Brighton 4 February 2020 This paper will return to Theodor Adorno’s understanding of a ‘committed’ literature and why he rejected (or had to reject) that notion of political engagement in favour of an understanding of what… Continue Reading →

Luxury Communism vs Scarcity Nativism

Aaron Bastani, Novara Media 14 January 2020 Luxury Communism vs Scarcity Nativism The politics of the last 12 years have been increasingly defined by crisis. A crisis of the old geopolitical order, as American Empire crumbles; a crisis of free… Continue Reading →

The Actuality Of Marx’s Communism

Michael Heinrich, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin 19 November 2019 There is no doubt that communism was Karl Marx’s political goal. Nonetheless, he never published a book or an article with a clear and extensive demonstration of what communism… Continue Reading →

The Irrationality of Labour

Alastair Hemmens, Cardiff University 22 October 2019 (Workshop 23 October, the Critique of work in modern French thought) A plethora of works have been published over the course of the past decades or so since the 2008 financial crisis that… Continue Reading →

The Long 90s Is Over

Jeremy Gilbert, University of East London 8 October 2019 Something ended around 2016, as Trump, Brexit and Corbyn became central topics of everyday political discourse. Ever since the early 1990s, mainstream politics in the English-speaking world had been dominated by… Continue Reading →

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