CAPPE Critical Theory Reading Group
Aesthetics, Politics and Anti-Oedipus in the 21st century.
This CAPPE reading group is open to staff, research students and colleagues around the world interested in contemporary politics, philosophy, ethics and critical theory. Each semester we focus on different issues engaging in close readings of a range of relevant texts.
For the remainder of this semester, we will focus on liberating practices across the fields of politics, aesthetics and psychoanalysis.
The reading group is held as a hybrid format in person and online on TEAMS.
Alongside the weekly texts we will also read a novel which explore similar or related topics. The novel for this semester is The City & the City by China Miéville
Please send any questions to Luke Edmeads
Please refer to the Anti-Oedipus Reading here: Anti-Oedipus
Week 1: Monday 11th March
1pm-2.30pm room 119 Mithras House/ TEAMS CAPPE transnational reading group
Foucault M. (1983) Preface, in Delueze, G. and Guattari, F. Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, pp. xi-xv:
(If people wish it may also be useful to read the Introduction by Mark Seem)
Week 2: Monday 18th March/ TEAMS CAPPE transnational reading group
Marianne Hirsch: The Generation of Postmemory
Ranceire, J. The Distribution of the Sensible, 2004, London: Continuum- CHAPTER: The distribution fo eth sensible and politics- pp.12-20
Easter break
Week 3: Monday 15th April/ TEAMS CAPPE transnational reading group
The reading group this week is cancelled and the reading will be moved to the following week.
Week 4: Monday 22nd April/ TEAMS CAPPE transnational reading group
Anti-Oedipus: section 1: The Desiring-Machines
Delueze, G. and Guattari, F. Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press pp.1-51
Week 5: Monday 29th April/ TEAMS CAPPE transnational reading group, Mithras House 142
Anti-Oedipus: section 3: Savages, Barbarians, Civilised Men, parts 6-11
Delueze, G. and Guattari, F. Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press pp.192-273
In this session we will also agree a theme for the reading group for the next semester. All members are welcome to propose ideas and readings. These not only be academic philosophical texts but could include literature, poetry etc.
Friday 31st May/ TEAMS CAPPE transnational reading group
This session will be introduced by the authors, Michelle Bentley and Clare Woodford.
Care and Contemporary Violence: Rethinking Medusa in Adriana Cavarero’s Horrorism
Michelle Bentley (Royal Holloway, University of London) and Clare Woodford (University of Brighton).
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