SWIP UK (Society for Women in Philosophy) Annual Conference 2016 organised in collaboration with CAPPE

Thursday 16–Friday 17 June 2016

In the current context of austerity, growing levels of inequality, insecurity and injustice mean that many around the globe are forced to eke out an existence under increasingly precarious conditions. Few remain sanguine in the face of this, and whilst some argue that precarity is necessary given current conditions many others express anger, frustration, resentment and a passionate determination to find alternatives. In the academy, the term “precarity” has gained currency across disciplines to both describe conditions and theorise responses. However, this conference problematises precarity as both an analytic tool and topic of academic investigation. Firstly, since precarity is structured unevenly via our social identities and positions it asks whether (and why not) those experiencing precarity can express this within the academy? To what extent can they be heard and responded to before the embedded hierarchies, structures of power and language dilute, deflect and silence their angry and passionate articulations, by twisting them via requirements for “reasoned arguments” as defined by others?

Furthermore we note that precarity has a more positive resonance when it describes the destabilisation of norms and binary frameworks; such as those that structure gender, sexuality, nationality and race. Here, precarity is seen as something to celebrate; a field within which to challenge authority and constraint. Additionally, as destabilisation – in terms of working and living conditions, and identity – precarity is celebrated as “flexibility” through the neoliberal paradigm, with fragmentation and uncertainty seen as conditions for creativity, choice, motivation and competition. As a consequence, we ask whether precarity’s radical potential needs to be revised.


Conference Programme

Thursday 16th June

Introduction: 10 – 11.30

Keynote lecture and discussion | M2 Fabienne Brugere, Paris VIII University

Coffee: 11.30-12.00

Session 1: .12.00–1.30

Panel 1: Theorising precarity | Room: TBC | Chair: TBC

Alison Jaggar, University of Colorado, Boulder, Moral Reasoning in Situations of Precarity

Simona Azzan, University of Milan, Precarity as Ethical Foundation of Equality

John McGuire, University College Dublin, Precarity and Cynicism

Panel 2: Analysing ‘Precarity’ | Room: TBC | Chair: TBC

Amy Kings, University of Keele, The Precariat as a New Global Class: Useful Concept or Academic Hairsplitting?

Pam Laidman, The Vulnerability of Practical Precarity

Panel 3: Subjects of Precarity 1 | Room: TBC | Chair: TBC

Alexandra Valadas, Michigan State University, Women at Risk

Charlotte Haynes Lyon, York St. John University, Precarious Voices: From Containment to Dissensus

Roxanna Akhbari, York University, Canada, Race and Indigeneity in the Age of Apology

Lunch 1.30 – 2.30

Session 3: 2.30-4.00

Panel 4: Global Case Studies | Room: TBC | Chair: TBC

Nadia Fayidh Mohammed, Kings College, London, Iraqi Feminism: Precarious Literary Existence Before and After 2003

Laura Lapinskiene, Soderton University, Stockholm, Stuck in Transition-Lost in Precarisation: Hope v. Despair in Post-Soviet Lithuania

Sini Paakkinen, University of Turku Graduate School, Development Work and Inequality

Panel 5: Representations of Precarity | Room: TBC | Chair: TBC,

Heather McKnight, University of Sussex, UK, Mother, Martyr, Cyborg

Melle Starson, Upper Iowa University, USA,  Victim or Exterminator: Female Avenger Archetypes in Blaxploitation Films

Panel 6: Subjects of Precarity 2 | Room: TBC | Chair: TBC

Clare Woodford, University of Brighton, Emancipation, Knowledge, Precarity

Mark Devenney, University of Brighton, Precarity and the Improper

Sarah Charalambides, Goldsmiths University of London, Precarity as Activism: Breaking Through Existing Logics of Security and Insecurity

Coffee: 4.00-4.30
4.30-6.00: Keynote lecture and discussion | M2

Michelle Bentley, Royal Holloway University of London Evening dinner: 7.30

Friday 17th June

Session 4: 10.00 – 11.30

Keynote lecture and discussion | M2

Olivia Guaraldo, University of Verona

Coffee: 11.30-12.00

Session 5: 12.00 – 1.30

Panel 7: Precarity and Work | Room: TBC | Chair: TBC

Andy Knott, University of Brighton, UK, Neoliberalism and the crisis of common goods

Robert Zheng, University of Cambridge, UK, Organising the Ivory Tower: Power, Precarity and Solidarity in the Neoliberal Academy

Duygu Turk Karahanogullari, Ankara Univerrsity, Turkey, Deniz Özçetin, Akdeniz University, Turkey, Precarity in the Turkish Academy: Doing Injustice to Research Assistants

Panel 8: Hegel and Marx | Room: TBC | Chair: TBC

Yuka Okazaki, Precarity as Independence in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit

Yehudi Webster, California State University, USA, Reviewing Precarity

Rebecca Carson, Kingston University, UK, Fictitious Capital and Precarity

Panel 9: Subject of Precarity 2 | Room: TBC | Chair: TBC

Dalene Swanson, University of Stirling, Politics of Silence: Lived Narratives of Precarity and the “Refugee”

Emma Andrea Ingala Gomez, Complutense University of Madrid, From Nomadic Subjects to Flexible Workers: Viva la Difference?

Emily Cousens, Precarity, Precariousness and Vulnerability in Judith Butler: An Examination and a Critique

Lunch: 1.30 – 2.30

Session 6: 2.30-4.30: Workshop and discussion | M2

Fabienne Brugere: Intellectual crossings: care ethics, work and precarity between the Continental and Anglo-American traditions.

Evening drinks from 5.00

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