Student Advice Service – Money Matters

News from the Student Advice Service at the University of Brighton

Important message for students who have been assessed for Dependants Grants in 18/19

Have you received a Student Finance England (SFE) assessed grant this academic year – this includes Adult Dependant Grant, Parent Learning Allowance and Childcare Grant.

We have just been notified of a system error affecting the means tested element of these grants which occurred back in February 2019. This means that some students have been assessed incorrectly and unfortunately been overpaid by SFE.

We believe that the error has been resolved and SFE are in the process of reviewing their calculations in order to rectify the awards. Any overpayment will need to be recovered either from future payments next year or added on to repayment schedules after the course has finished.

We understand that affected students have been contacted, but please do look out for any correspondence from SFE – either letter or email, and read it carefully.

If you have been affected and you are concerned about the impact that this may have on your finances, please contact the Student Advice Service on 01273 642888 or pop in to see the Adviser at your campus.

The Advisers work all year round, so we are here to help you throughout the summer vacation

Best wishes

Student Advice Service

Helen Abrahams • June 24, 2019

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