Are you still waiting to receive your Maintenance Loan?
If you have been or still waiting to be assessed for student finance from any of the UK funding authorities (England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland) there is a process you have to follow before you receive your first instalment………
- Your funding assessment needs to be finalised by Student Finance. If you are waiting forĀ National Insurance number to be verified, you need to send in more evidence or you are waiting to be assessed, your Maintenance Loan cannot be released.
- New students need to enrol and continuing students need to re-enrol online. Online enrolment opened on 22nd August so look out for an email we sent you after this date or log on to My Brighton which will tell you what your outstanding tasks are.
- Once you have enrolled, the university tells Student Finance that you are here. This is an automatic process and usually runs smoothly for those who enrolled before the start or term. If you have enrolled late, we may need to manually confirm your registration with Student Finance.
- There can be a lag between the university notifying Student Finance and them releasing the payment but hopefully you should receive the first instalment into your chosen bank account 3-4 working days after your registration has been confirmed.
- Please take a couple of minutes to check the bank details you submitted with your funding application as if you’ve now opened a student bank account and changed your details, you might want to change which account your loan gets paid into.
- If you haven’t received your funding after 5 working days, check your Student Finance account.
- If your status says ‘Your university or college needs to confirm your registration’ this means that there has been a problem with us telling Student Finance you are here. We can rectify this very easily, so go to the Student Information Desk on your campus as soon as possible.
- If it reads next to your Tuition Fee Loan ‘awaiting attendance confirmation’ don’t worry, this is perfectly normal and will not affect your maintenance payments. We will be requesting all fee loan payments from students in the next week, so this wording will change to ‘paid’ after this.
- If you know your Tuition Fee Loan is going to be late, please email the Income team or phone 01273 642959.
- If you haven’t already applied and you need some help with your application, please emailĀ Student Advice or phone 01273 642888
Best wishes
Student Advice Service