Productive Urban Landscapes

Research and practice around the CPUL design concept

Plant Cycle (source: UoB architecture student Lisa Daniel 2017)

INVITE: Launch of the Design of Circular Cities & Regions Research Group

We are pleased to invite you to the public launch (online) of our new Design of Circular Cities & Regions Research and Enterprise Group (REG) at the University of Brighton. The launch happens on Thursday 24th June starting at 10am UK time (11am CET). For the following 4 hours, we have planned an event full…

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A short introduction video explains what circularity means and what the contest is looking for. (source: COST Action Circular City www 2021)

INVITE: Notice circularity in your city! Enter the photo contest!

COST Action Circular City has launched the #mycircularcity photo contest. We invite you to submit your photos until the 30th of June 2021. Under the heading of ‘Look around you, notice circularity in your city, capture it, your lens – your view, and upload it with a few clicks!’, we are seeking the 3 best…

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Since 2009, (some of) the buildings and airfield of decomissioned Tempelhof Airport are being used for public events and as outdoor space. (source: Transformation Haus und Feld www 2021)

New initiative to support a LebensMittelPunkt at Tempelhof, Berlin

On the 12th of May, newly founded initiative Transformation Haus und Feld (TH&F) invited interested Berliners to its (online) kick-off meeting aimed at continuing civic efforts for a LebensMittelPunkt at the German capital’s decommissioned inner-city airport. The concept LebensMittelPunkt has been introduced to the City of Berlin in 2016 by the AG Stadt & Ernährung…

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Land use of council-owned land in Brighton & Hovee. The dark green areas are farms. (source: Brighton & Hove City Council www 2021)

The Brighton & Hove City Downland Estate Plan

Last Friday, André Viljoen and Katrin Bohn took part in an online meeting with officers of Brighton & Hove City Council to discuss a collaboration on the City’s Circular Economy Programme. The meeting’s host, Nicholas Fishlock, Project Manager at the City’s Regeneration Team, explained that the Circular Economy Programme is currently being developed and will…

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Cover page of the Ernährungsrat’s recommendations to state government for the development of the Brandenburg Food Strategy (source: Ernährungsrat Brandenburg www 2021)

LebensMittelPunkt concept becomes part of food strategy proposals in Germany

‘The German land of Brandenburg is to get a food strategy. That is what the county’s coalition agreement says.’ This March, Ernährungsrat Brandenburg, the food policy council of the land of Brandenburg, submitted its proposals for the strategy process to the state government. The paper is the result of a total of nine workshop discussions…

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Nearly 200 colleagues were nominated for this year's One Staff Brighton Awards. (source: University of Brighton 2021)

Congratulations! Andre and Katrin nominated for University of Brighton award!

We are pleased to announce that Andre Viljoen and Katrin Bohn have been nominated in the University of Brighton’s One Staff Awards for a Research & Enterprise Award in the Outstanding Research & Enterprise Impact category. Last week, in a university-wide online awards event, nearly 200 nominees were celebrated. The University of Brighton’s One Staff…

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The community garden Peace of Land, one of the guest speakers at the launch event, presented not only its garden spaces but also its managerial structure. (source: Peace of Land 2021)

A community garden programme for Berlin

On the 3rd of March 2021, more than 100 people gathered online to kick-off a long-awaited project by Berlin’s Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection [Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz]: the participatory creation of the city’s first community garden programme. Organised and run by Berlin-based landscape architecture firm bgmr Landschaftsarchitekten with…

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Bohn&Viljoen developed a matrix to compare existing urban agriculture repositories some of which already contain tools. (source: André Viljoen 2020)

Finding the right tools for implementing urban agriculture

Yesterday, André Viljoen and Katrin Bohn met with an interdisciplinary group of agronomists, scientists and urban designers that is developing an online Toolbox ‘to promote knowledge sharing, networking and learning among people involved or willing to get involved with food-related initiatives’ as part of the EU-funded EdiCitNet project. The group, led by the Catalan Institute…

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Urban circularity challenges (source: Atanasova et al. (2021): Nature-based solutions and circularity in cities (book chapter, submitted))

A catalogue of technologies for nature-based solutions

At the end of January, the COST Action Circular City group met for its 6th virtual workshop. The day-long meeting – attended by 70 participants from 28 countries, including Katrin Bohn – continued work towards the ultimate aim of the project: to provide local councils and the public with ‘guidelines on the combined possibilities of…

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One of the projects presented was the first of Gotham Green's hydroponic farm in New York, USA. (source: André Viljoen 2011)

Katrin lectured in Germany on Productive Urban Landscapes

This Wednesday, Katrin gave an (online) lecture to Masters’ students of the Urban Management programme at Technische Universität (TU) of Berlin and of the Urban Planning programme at Technische Universität Cottbus. She spoke about urban agriculture linking it to the Productive Urban Landscape discourse on the one (mainly spatial) side and to the Circular City…

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One of Markthalle Neun's entrances (on Eisenbahnstraße 42/43) during Covid-19 (source: Markthalle 9Neun www 2020)

INVITE: Markthalle Neun Berlin: We are open! For everything.

Adapted in its organisation to Berlin’s re-tightened Covid-19 regulations, Markthalle Neun invites to an Open Sunday this coming Sunday 20th December from 1 to 7 pm. Markthalle Neun is one of the few remaining original 19th-century market halls in the German capital having reopened in 2011 after many years of local campaigning and negotiating its…

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Brighton & Hove's bid was submitted after a 5-year process involving multiple local stakeholders. (source: BHFP www 2020)

Gold Award success for Brighton & Hove

Congratulations! On 30th November 2020, national awards body Sustainable Food Places announced that Brighton & Hove has become the first in the UK to win a Gold Sustainable Food Place Award. ‘The award recognises the city’s outstanding achievements on a range of key food issues and most recently on tackling food poverty during the Covid-19…

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'An estimate of the global food system’s transgression of planetary boundaries. Here, the safe operating space (green) provides an estimate of the food-related share of the planetary boundaries [...] The zone of uncertainty (yellow) defines dangerous risk, whereas high-risk (red) indicates where production has exceeded the assessed uncertainty range in science [...] E/MSY, extinctions per million species-years; BII, Biodiversity Intactness Index; P, phosphorus; N, nitrogen [...] image credit: PIK, 2019.' (source: Rockström et al. 2020]

In 2030, Berlin feeds itself in a climate and socially just way!

Katrin Bohn took part in the action conference organised by Berlin’s Food Policy Council which happened online from the 19th to the 21st of November 2020. Under the motto ‘2030 ernährt sich Berlin klima- und sozial gerecht! [In 2030, Berlin feeds itself in a climate and socially just way!]’, the conference brought together stakeholders from…

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Number of publications using the term 'foodscape' in the publications included in the review (2019 from January to June) (source: Vonthron S., Perrin C. and Soulard C.T., PLoS ONE 15(5): e0233218, 2020)

Productive urban landscape, foodscape, urban horticulture and the edible city

June and October 2020 saw the publication of two academic papers on urban food that reference the Continuous Productive Urban Landscape (CPUL) concept when contextualising their own work within the various definitions of food-related urban design concepts. This is of interest to us as we have followed the emergence of the urban agriculture and urban…

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A small-scale circularity exists with this 'shop of trust' in the area of future Landwirtschaftspark Heidelberg. (source: Katrin Bohn 2016)

The Circular City: Rethinking architecture and engineering

Katrin Bohn presented her work and thoughts on the Circular City concept on invitation by the University of Brighton. The presentation and conversation with co-presenter Dr. Yan Wang happened on Wednesday 4th November as part of the open conversation series Unlikely Partners curated and organised by the university. Initially intended for a local audience, the…

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Because of the Covid-19-related impossibility to hold open elections, the election of the new board of representatives for Ernährungsrat Berlin had to be postponed. (source: Ernährungsrat Berlin 2020)

LebensMittelPunkte among topics of the plenary assembly of Ernährungsrat Berlin

More than 50 people participated in the plenary assembly of the Ernährungsrat Berlin [Berlin Food Policy Council] which was held online on the 28th of October 2020. Whilst the planned election of the new board of representatives could not happen within this online format, there were many points to discuss. Most importantly, the imminent action…

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Still from the project’s explanatory video (source: COST Action Circular City 2020)

Cost Action tackles the complexities of circular city planning

On Friday, 23rd October, the 4th day-long meeting of the COST network project Circular City happened online. More than 60 participants from nearly all European countries continued their discussions on the circularity opportunities and challenges that individual nature-based solutions may have to make cities more sustainable and resilient. To visualise to its wide audience what…

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As part of the project, the Letchworth City Team started to map the potential of existing and future food-growing spaces. (source: Amélie André 2020)

Masterplanning for food in Letchworth Garden City

Earlier this month, the Annual General Meeting of the Horizon2020 project EdiCitNet happened online. The University of Brighton, represented by Katrin Bohn and André Viljoen, is one of the members of this multi-national consortium, bringing their expertise to food-centred master planning in 6 international towns and cities with a focus on Great Britain’s Letchworth Garden…

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Roxana Triboi, one of our winners, shared details of her project on Urban Pastoralism. (source: Petrut Calinescu From the Series 'Living on the edge: Bucharest' 2017)

Productive Urban Landscapes blog celebration: The winners are…

Last month, we celebrated the publication of THE 100TH POST on this blog which happened somewhen in August 2020. We had invited our readers to send us their answers to the question “What is a productive urban landscape?” Thanks to everybody who responded with their thoughts or congratulations! It has been (is) a pleasure to…

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Cover of the 2020 Planning Advisory Note 06 on Food Growing and Development adopted by Brighton & Hove City Council (source: B&HCC 2020)

Brighton & Hove Planning Advice Note on food growing adopted

An international milestone has been achieved: on Thursday 24 September 2020, Brighton & Hove City Council approved the adoption of their revised Planning Advice Note 06 on Food Growing and Development. Initially adopted in 2011, the revised edition has been written by Brighton & Hove City Council in a joint project with the Brighton &…

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