Productive Urban Landscapes

Research and practice around the CPUL design concept

Plant Cycle (source: UoB architecture student Lisa Daniel 2017)

INVITE: Launch of the Design of Circular Cities & Regions Research Group

We are pleased to invite you to the public launch (online) of our new Design of Circular Cities & Regions Research and Enterprise Group (REG) at the University of Brighton.

The launch happens on Thursday 24th June starting at 10am UK time (11am CET).

For the following 4 hours, we have planned an event full of information and discourse on the theme of circular cities and regions. Our guests, Kate Armstrong (Institute for Advanced Architectural Studies (IAAC) Catalonia), Dr Mahendra Gooroochurn (University of Mauritius) and Prof Dr Ranka Junge (Director of the Center Ecological Engineering, Zurich University of Applied Sciences) will each speak to the question ‘What does the circular city and region mean to you?’ This will be followed by a discussion about where we see the intersections of interests between different disciplines.

The event is open to all.
It will be held on MSTeams and is accessible via this link.
Should this link not work, please email Andre Viljoen.

The Design for Circular Cities & Regions Research and Enterprise Group explores how design practices can be utilised in research to achieve more equitable, sustainable and engaging places to inhabit; places that draw on collective desires, nature-based solutions and the ideas of a publicly managed circular economy. Co-design methods, scenario building, exhibitions, products and prototypes are used as part of a multidisciplinary approach to research.
Andre Viljoen is leading the group, and Katrin Bohn is one of its currently eight members.


For more information on the REG Design of Circular Cities and Regions see here.

For information on the University of Brighton’s School of Architecture and Design, where the REG is based, see here.

Image: Plant Cycle (source: UoB architecture student Lisa Daniel 2017)

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* circular cities* food policy* food systems* urban designBrighton

Katrin Bohn • 16th June 2021

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