December 28

BSU electorate

One of the additional #EdublogsClub prompts is sharing a statistic and writing about it. I want to share a few screenshots with you after having a discussion with a member of staff on Grand Parade campus last spring. He said that Grand Parade students vote in an equal percentage to other campuses. I did not agree so I tried to obtain some statistics from the student union. Unfortunately, due to limited server space they were not able to access statistics from previous years.

In my post about the by-election 2016, I noted that 369 students voted and in the most recent by-election I noted that there were 321 votes in total (NB/ the term votes is used not voters, so it is possible that less than 321 people voted). Since my post, the student union found some more statistics for me.
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December 26

Creative Journals

One of the additional #EdublogsClub prompts is writing about hobbies or interests. I think I may have touched on these in previous posts (eg. reading, journaling and art journaling) but I love journals and zines. I especially enjoy looking at creative journals because I am a huge fan of colour and collage. Recently I rediscovered The Goddess Guide and The Goddess ExperienceI bought the former for my favourite blogger but accidentally donated it to a charity shop (fully gift-wrapped with a card inside). The pages are so rich and I’ve always found high fashion fun to look at. It definitely is eye candy for me.

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December 24


One of the additional #EdublogsClub prompts is writing about favourite bloggers. I mentioned a handful in my first post but decided to elaborate more on a blog I’ve been enjoying lately.

If you have a young girl in your life, you’ve probably heard of Zoella. She’s a popular vlogger and, to me, a constant reminder of Brighton. While I lived in Brighton, I never stumbled upon her. I also wasn’t really interested in make-up, fashion and shopping which most of the videos I saw with her in involved. But I do remember a colleague writing a letter to her to invite her to an event we were holding at the university (she never attended, but I’m sure she would have if the letter was from me☺️).

Since moving to Kent, I find the glimpses of Zoella comforting. She has products in Superdrug, Boots and probably other places I don’t know the names of. She has co-written a book, talks about anxiety, posts recipes that I love, enjoys scented candles (I hear ya!) and is a fellow lover of autumn. So I probably see Zoella stationery / homeware or smell one of her perfumes once a week.

I admire her, because her hard work and skills in creating enjoyable videos have given her opportunities to do really fun things. Whether you like what she does is another matter. But I have plenty of time in my life for people who do what they love.

And that’s why I love Zoella‘s blog. It’s an online time capsule of things that she enjoys. It’s pretty to look at and just gives me the warm fuzzy feeling.

Here are my top ten Zoella blog posts (in no particular order):

  1. Lush Splurge
  2. Pumpkin Spiced Cupcakes
  3. The Marwood
  4. Fell In Love With Edinburgh
  5. Stationery Overload
  6. The Cornish Detox
  7. Gift Wrapping Ideas
  8. Peak Inside My Living Room
  9. My Bedroom Snippets
  10. How To: Blog Photography
December 22

Working from home

One of the additional #EdublogsClub prompts is writing about my commute to work. I’m currently not in work however I do have an article to write this month. I actually prefer to write in a university campus social area. If one of those is not available then a café will do.

Today I’ve had a bit of a wobble so I’m writing from home. I normally start by making notes about the prompt I’ve been given (I prefer visual notes).

new blog post

new blog post

I made £4 from my poetry this month. I won’t link because it’s pretty poor writing. My wi-fi went down today as I was trying to email it to my editor. By the time I reconnected two hours had passed and I found out about the £4. Maybe I should’ve gone to the café after all.

December 14


One of the additional #EdublogsClub prompts is describing my short-term and long-term goals. I think I may have done this prompt but I don’t remember doing it. Today is my last week of my current temporary contract with CCCU. I’m feeling a little down as I’ve made some good friends in Canterbury and it’s started feeling like a place I want to stick around but I’ve also been invited to attend four exciting job interviews next week. Four! And I’ve been accepted on to More Pathways to FE so I’ll have a week placement next month.

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