Straight away, i knew that Helmut Lang would be the brand that i want to develop on as a denim brand. Helmut Lang is very contemporary as fashion goes and promotes eccentricity and individualism – an idea that will flow throughout my styling and entire magazine concept. I really love how the styling here is so basic but gets across a typical 90’s feel with how laid back the aesthetic is. From this, i will stick to a very simple colour scheme for everything involved, including location, backdrop and accessories. These two images show high awareness of androgynous clothing even though the models are very identifiable of gender and this is the key element that i need to achieve. The simple but effective styling is something i really want to work on as i feel my typical techniques are to be very obvious and eccentric and learning to really strip back on these approaches would be useful for the future. I think to really understand the brand and how i can present it appropriately, i will need to research into various ads and runways that i can also take influence from.