After my tutorial with Jules, we thought it would be effective to look into the meanings of some symbolic items in still life paintings that could help me develop my styling with similar items.

I think using small hints of symbolic items in my work would work best as it will reflect the hidden meaning of the painting without overpowering my styling – a key element i want to highlight for portfolio purposes. I definitely want to incorporate pearls into the accessories and to use as a symbolic item – they represent love or wealth. The paint brush in the renaissance painting of the “boy blowing soap bubbles” could also be a key link between the photoshoot and the painting. Ive found it hard to discover the legit meaning of a paintbrush in renaissance art but it could be a message of education, wealth or creativity?


As i said previously, coloured tights would be an effective way of both; helping the outfit tie together against the prints and additionally, reflect the colour balance in the painting. But, the tights had to be worn with something other than the suit ive chosen as that outfit still needs to reflect this idea of what is masculinity and showing influence from art school etc. Therefore, i have decided to take on outfit 2 using an oversized dress similar to Goddard’s designs. Her fall 16 runway shows clear signs of interpretation from a past era and possibly the victorian period so her dresses here are a good representation of my idea. I want the dress to be supported with a petticoat that will allow it to “puff out” much larger than its original design and this will be my way of incorporating a dress similar to Molly Goddards.



Fall ’16



After linking Balenciaga’s runways into my theme, i thought about similar brands who i could also filter through my work. Not only does Vetements encourage this technique of clashing clothing and almost gives a look of having the clothes just thrown over the model, the location and entire concept of this season has given me inspiration for the shoot. I felt i was struggling with a location idea for the shoot which could show off the outfits effectively but also replicate the paintings concept of allegory.

The message i took from the renaissance painting was danger and being unaware, as the boy floats on a soap bubble unaware of it being about to pop leaving him in the water. To filter this idea through to my own ideas, Vetement’s has given me the influence of using “everyday” scenarios and locations such as zebra crossings, traffic lights and roundabouts. The model could stand unaware of the people, cars or general danger around him which could then help me lead into incorporating art school’s playfulness and have the model possibly posing in odd/ unconventional ways.


spring ’18

Researching into coloured tights and how effective they could be for my outfit..

These runways show how effective clashing patterns could be, although at first they do not seem to match, when adding layers of block colour in between the whole outfit is eventually then tied together.


fall ’18




Thinking into this idea of masculinity and breaking societal barriers regarding its fashion, i thought who else best to reference for my work other than Art School. A brand who focuses on breaking the conventions of gender norms in its branding, marketing and all round fashion. Im interested in this use of statement, bold colours even within the hair; although i wanted my model to seem quite “innocent” and “pure”, i am now interested in this sort of crazy coloured hair. The runway’s are always fun and completely disregard the norms of high end designer runways; having models falling over, running etc.. This could be something really effective within my shoots as i could have my model completing similar looks and staying away from typical posing.




This season’s design surrounds flared trousers, tight short tops and long diamond earrings. I will definitely take this use of oversized earrings and instead of diamonds like Art School has used here – pearls. This way it will reflect the painting’s symbolism of the pearls the boy is standing on but in a very subtle manor. I think flares are quite rare to see on males too and this is a element of Art School that has also inspired me to get creative with different types of lengths or widths of trousers. Maybe really oversized trousers that look far too big for the model could be effective in modernising the traditional image of a suit or even replicating the flares used for this season.