Parklife Colour Run

The Colour 5km Run is Back!

Is back for another year and it’s bigger and better than ever! Students and staff from the university are invited to take part.Ever fancied donning some nice pristine white clothes before getting absolutely covered in ridiculous amounts of multi-coloured powder?
We thought so!
After months of meticulous planning, we are proud to finally announce details of the Parklife Colour Run which will take place at 5pm on Wednesday 27th April at the Falmer Campus. Last year’s event sold out so make sure you sign up quickly to avoid disappointment.
Participants can walk, jog, run, and dance around the 5k course, starting dressed in white before being drenched in glorious powder as they cruise through each colour station.
Kirsty McCoubrey, Participation Officer, in the university’s Sport and Recreation department, is delighted with the scope of the event. She said: “This is a great opportunity to get together with friends and colleagues and have some fun. Last year’s event was great and it is definitely one not to be missed!”
Entry will cost £10which will include an exclusive Parklife Colour Run t-shirt and sunglasses, as well your very own pouch of coloured powder.

Want to get involved but don’t fancy doing the distance?

We are currently recruiting a team of volunteers to help on the day, from colour throwers to course marshals we need you! Interested, then please contact Kirsty Mccoubrey via email.

For more information and to book your place, click here or keep tabs on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram

Reducing health inequalities experienced by LGBTI people

Reducing health inequalities experienced by LGBTI people

The university is sharing in €500,000 funding to explore the reduction of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and intersex (LGBTI) health inequalities in Europe.

Led by Dr Nigel Sherriff in the UK with Dr Laetitia Zeaman, Alex Pollard, and Professor Kath Browne, the project is the result of a successful tender to the European Commission (DG Sante) with partners from Italy (Verona University Hospital – lead partner), Poland (National Institute for Public Health), and Belgium (EuroHealthNet and ILGA-Europe).

The project aims to gain a better understanding of the specific health inequalities experienced by LGBTI people, focusing in particular on overlapping inequalities stemming from discrimination (also unintentional) and unfair treatment on other grounds (e.g. age, disability, socioeconomic status, race and ethnicity). Moreover, the project aims to gain a better understanding of the barriers faced by health professionals when providing care to these groups (including health promotion and mental health services).

More details will be made available in due course. In the meantime, feel free to contact n.s.sherriff[at] for further details.

Listening before commissioning!

ESCC Poster_final


Winning recent research poster based on study led by Dr Nigel Sherriff, Dr Chris Cocking, and Dr Lester Coleman with School of Health Sciences Dr Laetitia Zeeman, Dr Kay Aranda, and former School of Applied Social Science colleague, Liz Cunningham! Well done to the entire research team. For details of the research underpinning the poster, see the project webpage.




Carol Williams and Nigel Sherriff support the call for action on increased support for breastfeeding.

An open letter on the crisis in breastfeeding in the UK has been issued today, signed by health visitors, midwives, paediatricians, GPs, lactation consultants, breastfeeding counsellors, peer supporters, university researchers and others who work for professional organisations and charities that support families.

The letter follows the recent series in The Lancet on breastfeeding – the most comprehensive review of all the evidence on breastfeeding to date.

The open letter states: “The breastfeeding crisis in the UK is in fact a crisis of lack of support for those mothers who choose to breastfeed.” It highlights the recent cuts to breastfeeding support services and the infant feeding specialist posts, which are driven by cuts to public health, which amount to £200 million in total in England. (See detailed list of cuts in Notes to Editors.)

The letter calls on government, as a matter of urgency, to safeguard the public health budget.

The signatories make clear that the message of The Lancet series is that increasing breastfeeding rates is everyone’s responsibility, quoting report co-author Dr Nigel Rollins of the World Health Organisation (WHO), who said: “The success or failure of breastfeeding should not be seen solely as the responsibility of the woman. Her ability to breastfeed is very much shaped by the support and the environment in which she lives. There is a broader responsibility of governments and society to support women through policies and programmes in the community.”

It is not a matter of persuading mothers to breastfeed – most mothers begin breastfeeding and initiation rates are around 80 percent. “However, rates plummet in the first weeks and months after birth, and most mothers say they stopped breastfeeding before they wanted to,” says the letter.

The letter goes on to highlight the strategy that the government must adopt in order to increase breastfeeding rates in the UK. Research from other countries that have achieved this shows that a multifaceted approach is needed, with interventions delivered in combination. The authors call on the UK government and the national assemblies to:

  • establish a multi-sectoral National Breastfeeding Committee to develop a National Breastfeeding Strategy
  • all maternity and community settings must meet Baby Friendly standards, as per NICE guidelines
  • all mothers in the UK must receive skilled, evidence-based breastfeeding support, as per NICE guidelines
  • safeguarding the public health budget for universal health visiting services and breastfeeding support
  • fully enact in UK law the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, which would end the advertising of follow-on formula
  • require employers to provide breaks to breastfeeding mothers to breastfeed or express milk at work

Open Letter on the crisis in UK breastfeeding

Carol Williams and Dr Nigel Sherriff signed the Open Letter stating “The health promotion research team at the University of Brighton’s Centre for Health Research (CHR) supports this call to action. More intensive, coordinated, novel, and diverse support for breastfeeding is required. We agree that ‘success in breastfeeding is not the sole responsibility of the woman’. However, calls for increased support and supportive environments also need to go further. Research demonstrates the impact fathers and/or partners can have (positively and negatively) on the decision to initiate and continue with breastfeeding. Our own research and that of others show fathers remain a valuable source of support for breastfeeding mothers, as well as an ‘untapped’ resource for health professionals and lay people whom may be supporting breastfeeding. Government and local authority resources need to be re-focused to better engage with families including fathers and/or partners to support better, those who wish to breastfeed.”

New article to be published in BMC Public Health on SIALON II

Bio-behavioural HIV and STI surveillance among Men who have Sex with Men in Europe: the Sialon II protocols


Globally, the HIV epidemic is representing a pressing public health issue in Europe and
elsewhere. There is an emerging and progressively urgent need to harmonise HIV and
STI behavioural surveillance among MSM across European countries through the
adoption of common indicators, as well as the development of trend analysis in order
to monitor the HIV-STI epidemic over time. The Sialon II project protocols have been
elaborated for the purpose of implementing a large-scale bio-behavioural survey
among MSM in Europe in line with a Second Generation Surveillance System (SGSS)

Sialon II is a multi-centre biological and behavioural cross-sectional survey carried out
across 13 European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the UK) in community
settings. A total of 4.966 MSM were enrolled in the study (3.661 participants in the TLS
survey, 1.305 participants in the RDS survey). Three distinct components are foreseen
in the study protocols: first, a preliminary formative research in each participating
country. Second, collection of primary data using two sampling methods designed
specifically for ‘hard-to-reach’ populations, namely Time Location Sampling (TLS) and
Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS). Third, implementation of a targeted HIV/STI
prevention campaign in the broader context of the data collection.

Through the implementation of combined and targeted prevention complemented by
meaningful surveillance among MSM, Sialon II represents a unique opportunity to pilot
a bio-behavioural survey in community settings in line with the SGSS approach in a
large number of EU countries. Data generated through this survey will not only provide
a valuable snapshot of the HIV epidemic in MSM but will also offer an important trend
analysis of the epidemiology of HIV and other STIs over time across Europe.
Therefore, the Sialon II protocol and findings are likely to contribute significantly to
increasing the comparability of data in EU countries through the use of common
indicators and in contributing to the development of effective public health strategies
and policies in areas of high need.

For the full ‘accepted’ version of the paper see the link. The final published version will shortly be avaialble on BMC Public Health’s website. PUBH-D-15-00881_R2 (002)


Building capacity to reduce health inequalities through health promotion in Europe




Whilst considerable attention has been paid to describing and measuring health inequalities, relatively little attention has been paid to ways to effectively reduce health inequalities within and among populations. This article presents a conceptual framework for capacity building to assist stakeholders at the regional level within Europe to maximise the potential of healthy public policies and practices to reduce these inequalities as a core part of strategic action plans to access European Structural Funds.

Subject and methods

Within the ACTION-FOR-HEALTH (A4H) project co-funded by the European Commission (EC), a conceptual framework for capacity building to reduce health inequalities was developed and evaluated. The evaluation design adopted mixed methods involving a series of focus groups (n = 22), interviews (n = 14) and questionnaires (n = 34) involving the project partners.


We present the A4H conceptual framework, which is based on a series of capacity-building actions comprising three key areas: (1) developing knowledge and skills; (2) building partnerships; (3) creating action plans. The evaluation data show that the project contributed to enhancing capacities in all three of these areas, at the regional, organisational, and individual levels.


Focussing mostly on building capacities, the A4H project has the potential to have several sustainable outcomes. Our results underscore the importance of the capacity-building approach for the reduction of health inequalities in Europe.Gugglberger, Sherriff et al 2015_A4H

Everywhere in Japan: an international approach to working with commercial gay businesses in HIV prevention

Check out our new article on HIV prevention among Men who have Sex with Men in Japan, building on the European Everywhere Project.


In the UK and Japan, there is concern regarding rising rates of annual new HIV infections among Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). Whilst in the UK and Europe, gay businesses are increasingly recognized as being important settings through which to deliver HIV prevention and health promotion interventions to target vulnerable populations; in Japan such settings-based approaches are relatively underdeveloped. This article draws on qualitative data from a recently completed study conducted to explore whether it is feasible, acceptable and desirable to build on the recent European Everywhere project for adaptation and implementation in Japan. A series of expert workshops were conducted in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka with intersectoral representatives from Japanese and UK non-governmental organizations (NGOs), gay businesses, universities and gay communities (n = 46). Further discussion groups and meetings were held with NGO members and researchers from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s Research Group on HIV Prevention Policy, Programme Implementation and Evaluation among MSM (n = 34). The results showed that it is desirable, feasible and acceptable to adapt and implement a Japanese version of Everywhere. Such a practical, policy-relevant, settings-based HIV prevention framework for gay businesses may help to facilitate the necessary scale up of prevention responses among MSM in Japan. Given the high degree of sexual mobility between countries in Asia, there is considerable potential for the Everywhere Project (or its Japanese variant) to be expanded and adapted to other countries within the Asia-Pacific region.

For the full paper, see here:

Health improvement in East Sussex. Findings released

health improvement summary

The findings of a recently completed project on engaging with young people to inform health improvement commissioning in East Sussex, have now been released. Two versions of the reports are available, one full report and a shorter more accessible summary report designed specifically for the young people who took part. For copies of the report see the link:

ESCC_Accessible Summary_Nov 15

ESCC_Final Report_Nov_15

Project web page is here: