Author Karen Gainsford


We are very pleased to welcome new leadership at the centre and very sad to see our former director move away from the university. After a magnificent effort at shaping and giving direction to a truly world-class centre for sexuality… Continue Reading →

Event: PhD creative practice showcase of our Doctoral Researcher – Shaan Rathgeber Knan at Queer Britain Museum, London: Community Residency Showcase: LGBTQ+ Traveller | 6 Apr 2024 at 15:00

Invite to the CTSG  to Shaan Rathgeber Knan’s PhD creative practice showcase on 06th April at Queer Britain Museum, London: Community Residency Showcase: LGBTQ+ Traveller+ Tickets, Sat 6 Apr 2024 at 15:00 | Eventbrite Shaan Rathgeber Knan (he/him) – Doctoral… Continue Reading →

Event: Launch of Åsa Johannesson’s latest publication Queer Methodology for Photography  – 7 March 2024 5.30 pm – University of Brighton Grand Parade, M2 

Åsa Johannesson’s latest publication is Queer Methodology for Photography  (Routledge). This is a Photography Research Group event but of interest to the CTSG. Asa will in conversation with Dr Fran Young  about her latest research monograph on artistic strategies in… Continue Reading →

Event : Liam Wignall presenting paper  ‘Kinky in the digital age’  – University of Brighton ROOM 218, MITHRAS HOUSE

HSS RESEARCH SEMINAR series to continue with CTSG member DR LIAM WIGNALL, School of Humanities and Social Science of the University of Brighton.  ‘Kinky in the digital age’  Abstract: Through rapid cultural change and technological advances, kink subcultures have become… Continue Reading →

British Educational Research Association:Special Issue: Researching gender and sexuality – Questioning my use of creative methods: The dominance of the interview in a multiple case study project focusing on the lived experiences of four gender-diverse teachers in UK schools by Lis Bundock

See post for link to research.

Event : Brighton’s LGBTQ Spaces – Then, Now, Next – Monday 19 Feb 2024 14:30 – 16:00

No need to book. Just turn up. See the post for details.



To submit a proposal for an Organised Session (new extended deadline Feb 16th) or an Individual Paper (new extended deadline Mar 29th).

Feb 16th (sessions) or Mar 29th (presentations) 

At this conference, we’re interested in comfort – and discomfort. We want to take seriously the emotional and affective qualities of comfort and discomfort. We aim to explore their shifting meanings and practices, their spatial contexts and politics, and their use for and relationship to geographies of sexualities. 

Community Call for Lesbian Lives 2024 – University of Brighton UK 22-23 March 2024

There are several ways local organisations and community members can get involved.

We offer a discounted community rate ticket to enable folks who are not supported by an academic institution to attend, at 1/3 of the full price (the Early bird rate is £55 for a full 2-day ticket and £45 for a 1-day ticket).
We offer a limited number of stalls bookable by organisations and publishers. There is a fee of £200 for publishers and a discounted fee of £50 for community organisations for the 2-day conference. These are bookable via the registration site using the promotional code Exhibition stalls.
People can support the conference by making a donation, from £5.

Registration for Lesbian Lives 2024 – University of Brighton UK 22-23 March 2024 is now OPEN

See the link via this page

Event: CTSG and CAW in partnership with The Ledward Centre – Celebrating Queer and Creative Methods  31/01/24 10am – 5pm

“…you can catch a shrimp in a certain finely laced fishing net; try to catch a whale in this same net, and one of two things happens: the net breaks, or the whale is shredded into small bits that lose its whole configuration. … If we insist everything must be like a shrimp to fit our net, then the bigger and deeper realities elude us.” (Swanson, 2008: 91) 

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