The Centre for Memory, Narrative and Histories (CMNH) is led by Director Professor Graham Dawson with the assistance of an Administrator, Dr Sam Carroll, supported by Deputy Director Dr Deborah Madden and a Steering Group comprising researchers with expertise in our main areas of interest plus representatives of our postgraduate and early career researchers. Based in the School of Humanities and Social Science, it draws together a cross-school Researcher Membership from the wider University, and Visiting Researchers and Associate Members from outside the University who wish to be involved or associated with its work. CMNH operates on the basis of an approved Constitution, Governance and Support structures and is committed to providing a research environment that is conducive to the personal and career development of its researchers, with particular emphasis on early career and postgraduate researchers.

Governance, constitution and remit

The Centre for Memory, Narrative and Histories was first established in 2008 with a constitution and remit approved by senior management of the University of Brighton. Based in the School of Humanities with a cross-University role, it reported to the Centre for Research and Development in the Faculty of Arts and was reviewed periodically by the University’s Research Strategy Committee. Since 2017 it has been one of the  University of Brighton’s Centres of Research and Enterprise Excellence (COREs) overseen by the PVC and APVC (Research and Knowledge Exchange).

The remit of the Centre established by its constitution is:

  1. To provide a cross-University context in which to foster research on memory, narrative, and histories, and their interrelationship;
  2. To promote dialogue about the methodological, epistemological, theoretical and political issues involved in the study of the making of histories;
  3. To create an institutional locus that embraces creative and critical practice, and encompasses academic, professional and community development;
  4. To raise the public profile of this research, contributing to the further development of the University’s research culture in terms of research funding, research students and local, national and international collaborative networks.

Roles of the Director, Deputy Director and Steering Group


  • To provide academic leadership to CMNH, giving strategic direction to activities that further the aims and objectives of the Centre as a cross-University and cross-School entity, in the context of the University’s research strategy.
  • To maintain an active and effective Steering Group, chair its meetings, and liaise with it in developing appropriate projects, events, and other research activities, to the benefit of its researcher membership, partners, events and wider constituency, and to the University’s research culture.
  • To work with the Steering Group in developing and maintaining an active research membership and a range of active research networks, local, national and global, across the full spectrum of the Centre’s activity; and in creating a public profile and means for the wide dissemination of the Centre’s work.
  • To oversee the use of CMNH’s annual CORE budget.
  • To represent CMNH in an internal and external capacity.
  • To report to the PVC and APVC for Research and Knowledge Exchange.

Deputy Director

  • To support the Director in providing academic leadership of the Centre and, in liaison with the Steering Group, in planning and developing its research activities, membership and wider networks.
  • To undertake leadership of the Centre during any period when the Director is temporarily absent.

Steering Group

  • To liaise with the Director and Deputy Director in deciding on, and keeping under review, the focus and strategic development of the Centre’s research interests, events and activities.
  • To establish and support an active cross-University Researcher Membership of the Centre.
  • To initiate and develop research projects, events, funding applications, and other research activities, in the context of the Centre’s strategy for furthering its aims and objectives as a cross-University entity.
  • To assess proposals for, and support the development of, research projects, events, funding applications, and other research activities made by Centre members.
  • To work with the Director and Deputy Director in developing a range of active research networks, local, national and global, across the full spectrum of the Centre’s activity; and in creating a public profile and means for the wide dissemination of the Centre’s work.