TECH AND ADR: with Director Tony Guise

Looking forward to the podcast with Tony Guise on Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show. In different capacities Tony Guise has been at the heart of every major civil justice reform of the past Thirty (30) years. Notable successes include the formation of the Civil Justice Council (CJC) in 1997, the campaign for new court accommodation in 2007 that became the Rolls Building and, in 2013, costs budgeting. 
Tony ceased to practice as a commercial litigation solicitor in 2016. He works full-time as Director of DisputesEfiling, an online dispute management platform, as well as campaigning for civil justice reform. He writes about his work for Solicitors Journal, and the AOI Journal, amongst other publications.
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Expert Views on ADR (EVA) vid /podcast show Nov 2023 Quotes with

Expert Views on ADR (EVA) vid /podcast show Nov 2023 Quotes with Prof Clare Fowler, Colin Rule and Dr Ron Dolin, renowned ADR experts that built up the world’s leading mediation website and organization-
‘When I first started working in the mediation industry around 20-25 years ago, the entire process used to be extremely time-consuming and tedious. I had to spend countless hours sending letters back and forth, typing out documents, and travelling to the post office to mail them. However, with the incorporation of cutting-edge technology, we have now been able to streamline these tasks and focus more on the actual mediation process. This has made the entire process faster and more efficient, allowing us to get to where the magic happens faster.’- Professor Clare Fowler (Vice-Presdient and President of Fowler Mediation).
‘Society is rapidly transitioning into a digital age, and the world is becoming more interconnected. We can use the tools of technology. Professor Frank Sander, a pioneer in the field, could not have imagined what we can do now with artificial intelligence (AI) and’ -Colin Rule (CEO of, and; the 2023 recipient of the D’Alemberte / Raven Award American Bar Association Dispute Resolution). “If all we cared about was efficiency, we would resolve disputes with a coin toss”- Dr Ron Dolin (Chief Innovation Officer for and Harvard Law Lecturer /Senior Research Fellow).
The Achievement and Impact of on EVA show.
#disputeresolution #adr #quotes #quote #research #expertviewsonadrvidpodcastshow #podcast #appropriatedisputeresolution #mediatedotcom #PeacebuildingAndConflictPrevention #educational #curriculum #adrcompulsory #massawarenessadvocacyadr #makeadrcompulsory #highereducationuk #usa #us #britian #England #wales #africa #nigeria #europe #latinamerica #asia #northamerica #world #viral #letsmakeadrgoviral #vousparlezadr #diversity #inclusive #amazon #audible #google #spotify #overcast #ersc #uniofbrighton

Expert Views on ADR (EVA) vid /podcast show July 2023 Quote with Andrew Goodman

“I think that there is enormous value in developing podcasts such as yours to bring information to people who currently may feel isolated in what they are doing. We have agreed that they are not enough formal courses in ADR in educational institutions, and therefore, Education and Training will be sporadic until it is universal. Then there is tremendous value in people who are otherwise studying on their own having access to the same level as others and irrespective of their jurisdictions, they can engage with experts in the field or, if not experts and indeed practitioners and thought leaders – have access irrespective of the fact that they might not be able to find a local course or local training & therefore the work you are doing is vital. I applaud you for your efforts.”

Professor Andrew Goodman-Convenor of the Standing Conference of Mediation Advocates (SCMA) on Series 2: ADR PROVIDERS on EVA podcast.


#disputere#adr #quotes #expertviewsonadrvidpodcastshow #podcast #disputeresolution #PeacebuildingAndConflictPrevention #educational #curriculum #adrcompulsory #massawarenessadvocacyadr #makeadrcompulsory #highereducationuk #uk #britian #England #wales #world #ersc #uniofbrighton