Expert Views on ADR (EVA) vid /podcast show Nov 2023 Quotes with Mediate.com

Introduction: The new series ‘ADR Providers / Practitioners’ was borne out of the recent research the blogger/podcaster conducted in Washington, DC, and Las Vegas.
Research Finding: One of the findings of the ‘Vous Parlez #adr’ research indicated the need for ADR Providers to advertise their services online; because most of the masses interviewed on the street of the cities mentioned earlier -revealed that they have never heard about-Appropriate or Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR); and also they do not know where or how to find ADR Providers/practitioners.
Aim of the Research: Thus, the EVA vid/podcast will feature interviews with a diverse range of ADR providers from across the globe, diligently working to raise awareness about their services and how to access them.
‘ADR Providers’ by the EVA Show is an unparalleled opportunity for those who require such services but are uncertain where to initiate their search; to tune in to the EVA Show to get first-hand information from the various ADR providers from around the world about their services and how best to reach them.
Podcast Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/pod
The following ADR Providers / Practitioners will be featured in this series: Fourth Party Mediation with Melissa Brogdon, Mediate.com with Professor Clare Fowler, Colin Rule and Dr Ron Dolin; Resolution Institute, Amber Williams; the Standard Conference of Mediation Advocates (SCMA) with Professor Andrew Goodman; California State University Channel Islands (CSUC) Mark Patterson American Arbitration Association (AAA) Aaron Gothelf, Esq, Mediation and Assessment Program (MAP)-U.S District Court Missouri, Laurel Stevenson, Next Level Mediation-Dispute Resolution Analysts, Robert Bergman amongst others.
Stay Tuned!
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