Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics

Category 2013-14 | Neoliberalism

Ian Parker, The function and field of speech and language in neoliberal education

6.30pm, Tuesday 1 April 2014 Abstract This paper brings aspects of Lacanian psychoanalysis to bear on the development of current neoliberal management strategies in universities. Methodological principles are extracted from Lacan’s 1953 foundational text ‘The Function and Field of Speech… Continue Reading →

Mark Fisher, Libidinal Parasites: Neoliberalism and the Capture of Desire

6.30pm, Tuesday 18 March 2014  Abstract: Neoliberalism must be understood not only as a strategy to decompose the organised working class; it must also be seen as a successful attempt to neutralise and capture the energies that came out of… Continue Reading →

Dieter Plehwe, The Road from Mont Pèlerin: Origins and Evolution of Neoliberalism 

6.30pm-8pm, Tuesday, 4 March, 2014 Abstract: Although the history of neoliberalism has to be traced back to the Colloque Walter Lippmann in Paris in 1938, the talk will focus on the key actors and constituencies of the Mont Pèlerin Society… Continue Reading →

Steve Davies, Institute of Economic Affairs The End of Social Democracy

6.30pm-8pm, Tuesday 18 February 2014 Abstract: Although the period since 2008 is often seen as a crisis of capitalism it has in fact become a crisis of social democracy. The form of social democracy that has dominated Western politics since the… Continue Reading →

Selina Todd, The People: the working class in 20th and early 21st century Britain

6.30pm-8pm, Tuesday, 4 February 2014 Abstract: This presentation is based on my forthcoming book, The People: the rise and fall of the working class, 1910-2010. In this paper, I draw on social surveys and personal testimonies to explore how working-class… Continue Reading →

Emma Dowling, Middlesex University, and David Harvie, Neoliberalism, Crisis and the Financialisation of Social Reproduction

6.30-8pm, Tuesday 14 January, 2014   Emma Dowling, Middlesex University, and David Harvie, The University of Leicester  ‘This little piggy went to market and this little piggy had none…’: Neoliberalism, Crisis and the Financialisation of Social Reproduction Abstract and biographies not provided.   The Old… Continue Reading →

John Holmwood, Neo-Liberalism and the Public University

6.30pm-8pm, Tuesday 21 January, 2014 Abstract: This talk will address neo-liberalism as a theory of knowledge as well as a theory of public policy. The relationship between the two is developed in the context of government reforms to higher education… Continue Reading →

Rosalind Gill, Academic Labouring in the Neoliberal University

6.30pm-8pm Tuesday, 26 November 2013 Abstract: The aim of this paper is to locate academics within the sights of critical labour studies, and, in particular, the contemporary interest in cultural workers. Despite a growing literature about – and in response… Continue Reading →

Madsen Pirie, Living in a Neoliberal World 

6.30pm – 8pm, 12 November 2013  Madsen Pirie, Adam Smith Foundation  Dr Madsen Pirie is President of the Adam Smith Institute, and was one of three Scots graduates working in the US who founded the Institute in 1977. Before that, Madsen… Continue Reading →

Doreen Massey, Neoliberalism, Hegemony, and the Current Political Moment

6.30pm – 8pm, 29 October 2013 Abstract: This talk will draw upon joint work with Stuart Hall and Michael Rustin, in the Kilburn Manifesto, whose aim is to understand neoliberalism in its long historical and broad geographical setting, and to analyse… Continue Reading →

Jo Littler, Meritocracy as Plutocracy: The Marketising of ‘Equality’ under Neoliberalism

6.30pm – 8pm, 15 October 2013 Abstract: Meritocracy, in contemporary parlance, refers to the idea that whatever our social position at birth, society ought to facilitate the means for ‘talent’ to ‘rise to the top’. In this paper, I argue that… Continue Reading →

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