The University of Brighton will be hosting Professor Casullo through April and May 2024 as a Visiting Global Fellow. The programme of events in collaboration with CAPPE are listed below. For any questions please email Andy Knott:

Maria Esperanza Casullo is Professor in the department of Politics & International Relations, at the Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Argentina. Maria’s primary research interest is in populism, and practices theoretical, historical and comparative approaches to populism and politics more broadly. 

Tuesday April 30th | What is Really in the New Right? Javier Milei’s Rise and the Prospects of Latin American Democracy

Hellerup Mithras House, 4pm-6pm

Javier Milei went from flamboyant television economic commentator to president of Argentina in merely three years. In 2023, he defeated both left-wing Peronism and a center-right coalition with 55% of the vote in the run-off election. In just four months, he has implemented the harshest austerity program in the country’s history, moved the country towards an alignment with other global right-wing governments, and sought to roll back decades of labour, gender and diversity advancements. However, his agenda is being met with growing resistance. In the talk, the future prospects for his government will be explored, along with its implications for the so-called new right.

Wednesday 1st May | Bid-Writing Workshop 1: Publishing in Different Languages

Mithras House G4, 2pm-3pm

This event explores the possibilities and practices of publishing your research in different languages. Hosted by Professor Maria Esperanza Casullo, Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, visiting global fellow.

Wednesday 1st May | Bid-Writing Workshop 2: Applying for and Conducting Research with Government Agencies

Mithras House G2, 3:30pm-4:30pm

This workshop introduces the challenges and intricacies of working with government agencies in developing your research and writing bids to these agencies. Hosted by Professor Maria Esperanza Casullo, Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, visiting global fellow.

Thursday 9th May | Workshop: Researching Populism: Comparative and Theoretical Approaches

Watts 622 Newsroom, 2:30pm-6pm

This workshop features papers by the global fellow, Professor Maria Esperanza Casullo, staff and PhD students who are currently working within the buoyant field of populism research. An overriding theme that this workshop addresses is how accounts of populism are related to other wider intellectual developments, such as decolonisation, the Enlightenment, and geopolitical developments.

Friday 10th May | PhD workshop: Contemporary Politics: Challenges of Theory-Praxis nexus

Mithras House G5, 12pm-2pm

This workshop addresses the processes of writing a PhD in politics conceived very broadly (including interdisciplinary work that broaches political issues). The process of planning, researching, drafting and writing a PhD generates multiple issues and questions about relating theory and praxis, and this workshop provides the opportunity for PhD students to discuss the obstacles and challenges of grappling with their nexus. Hosted by Professor Maria Esperanza Casullo, Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, vising global fellow.

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