Student Advice Service – Money Matters

News from the Student Advice Service at the University of Brighton

It’s National Sandwich Day – What do Student Advisers munch for lunch?


Home-made delights such as tortilla flatbreads and pizza















Leftovers all wrapped up – chicken or falafel








Goodness in a box


Sandwiches galore, spiced up with frozen sweetcorn, extra hot West Indian pepper sauce or a gherkin….

…..and something for the less tolerant

Flapjack and grapes for the team to share

Whatever your dietary preferences, bringing your own sandwich or packed lunch into uni will invariably be the cheaper and healthier option. You have more control over what you’re eating and how much your spending. Pre packed sandwiches can be packed with sugar, salt and other preservatives and you won’t know the origin of the ingredients.

By including your lunches in your weekly meal planning you can buy your ingredients in advance, which helps to keep the budget on track.

If you haven’t got time in the mornings, you can box up your lunch the night before in some tupperware or old food container. Old ice cream tubs and bread bags make excellent sandwich containers and for breakfast you can build your own granola pots the night before using yogurt, cereal and frozen fruits in an old jam jar all at a fraction of the cost of breakfast on the go from a high street coffee outlet.

Check the SU shop or lounge on your campus for an open access microwave and use the free water dispensers to save on bottled water.

You can save up to £1,000 per year* by bringing a packed lunch to Uni

*This equates to £5.12 per week, 39 weeks per year

Happy lunch-making

Student Advice Service


Helen Abrahams • November 3, 2017

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