School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

The Juggling Act

Christine Blackledge is a second year LLB Law with Business Studies student at Brighton Business School.

She juggles four children with her studies and running her home and own will writing business. In an interview with Alison Ferns on BBC Radio Sussex earlier this month, Christine said:

Christine Blackledge

Christine Blackledge

I really enjoy it and take it all in, I feel like I have been given a new lease of life.’ We spoke to Christine about her experience too.

“No, I’m not the teacher! I’m a student, just like you.

I don’t know how many times I have given that answer since beginning my Law and Business degree in 2013. When people discover that, apart from being a full-time student, I also have a husband and 4 children aged 8 to 26 and that I run multiple businesses, they’re extremely surprised.

I can juggle work and home life because I get myself organised and I’m disciplined to make the most out of each second in the day.

I’m also passionate about what I do. I was denied my dream of studying law as an 18 year old. My studies represent the ambitions of a young girl and her family that were taken away from her, now I have a second chance!

To seize this opportunity that I never expected possible I set my alarm clock for 4:00am every week-day morning after a good 7 hours of sleep. With everyone still in bed that is when I am most productive in keeping up with my course work and assignments. Mother and wife duties take over from 8:00am as I help my family to get ready for the new day.

I love this routine; I’m living my passion and fulfilling my dreams. The university is very supportive of my external obligations and I can take days off if I need to. You may even catch me in the breaks following up on business calls or emails that have come through during class.

I don’t have special talents; I am just a normal person from a normal working background but I do go to every lecture, I ask questions and I’m organised.”

Taken from an article originally published by Brighton Rocks on 12th November.

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CareersEntrepreneurshipLaw. Law with BusinessMature StudentStart-up

Vivienne Vine • November 28, 2014

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