Materials for February March 2020
All of the files here are things that you can use to explain the strike action to students. The information in the letter to students and the “Why we’re striking” posters are both very clear on the inequality and unfairness that we are aiming to change. Students will understand that these things are worth fighting for, even if that fight will have an impact on their study.
Email template for Out-of-Office
UPDATED 19 Feb: unzip/decompress this file which can be opened in Microsoft Outlook and other email clients.
Download Industrial Action Email Template for Outlook (Windows only)
The plain text version (for Mac) can copied and pasted here.
Download the plain text only – Industrial Action Email Text
Message to students
Messsage to students at end of week 2 (Friday 28 Feb), ahead of week 3 [UPDATED 28 Feb]
To be sent using StudentCentral announcements.
Explainer for students: what are strikes?
Powerpoint Presentation to use in class, .pptx and .pdf files
UPDATED 11 Feb: Direct your students to Brighton Students Union’s request for students’ opinions on the upcoming strikes:
UPDATED 12 Feb: Four Fight Explained infographic from UCU head office. Prints on A4 size and looks good in monochrome print format. Download the PDF: ucu_four-fights-explainer.
UPDATED 23 Feb: Flyers for week starting 24th February for the picket lines – Teach-out schedule and information.
A5 Week starting 24th Feb Flyer
Materials from November December 2019
reasons we have to strike – A PDF version of this infographic