Today was Workshop II at Coldean Primary School; it was such fun

Despite the heat, or maybe because of it, everyone was in a happy mood today. I arrived late because my satnav took me to the wrong entrance, but I don’t seem to be able to find the school by my own navigation either; I have got lost each time!

class room of children

Stef giving a short recap on a few points of information on scabies


So today was:

  • mite decorating
  • mat making and
  • creating information sheets about scabies

Time was a little short to complete all the tasks, so the children will be completing their wonderfully creative information sheets tomorrow. I hope to be able to share some of these with you next week when we get them from the school.

information sheet

One of the completed information sheets

child with paper

children sewing mites

Mite decorating


children on mat

Making the mat, four children opted to sew on the mites, others stuck them down

The games mats came on in leaps and bounds, with children both glueing and sewing the mites down.


boy sewing

It was so exciting that the children wanted to sew


children sewing

The workshop required considerable concentration


completed mite

One of the completed mites


brightly decorated mite

Wow – bright or what?



Mites on the modular games mat – decorated with glitter glues


glued mites

More glitter decorated mites

mites on a windowshelf

A selection of mites

more mites

A few more of the mites


There will be an opportunity to finish off decorating the mites during the next session, but so far they are stunning – colourful and beautifully decorated.


five helpers

The team





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