Hello, thanks for dropping in.
This blog follows a project that was inspired by an earlier collaboration between Dr Vikki Haffenden of the Department of Fashion Textiles at the University of Brighton, and the Brighton and Sussex Medical school team who have been investigating scabies in care homes in the South East of England.
A short video and some other information about the exhibitions resulting from this earlier project are viewable via the menu. This blog has however been set up to chart the progress of a new project, working with two local schools to raise awareness through textile based workshops. The primary school children will be encouraged and enabled to create textile artefacts that not only introduce them to scabies, but also to textile skills and knowledge that they are unlikely to experience in school. Through related storytelling workshops, the textile artefacts will be anthropomorphised, and a group of local secondary school students will work with the younger children to bring their artefacts to life by animating the stories as part of their GCSE work.