Student Advice Service – Money Matters

News from the Student Advice Service at the University of Brighton

Tell us about life on a student budget for a chance to win £40 Amazon vouchers

student survey

Students at Brighton have taken part in a longitudinal study about all things related to student finance and life on a budget for the last 20 years. The study is called the Student Finance Survey and also is referred to as the Winn report (after the former lead researcher Sandra Winn). You may have seen some studentcentral posts and plasma notices about it.The survey looks at UK based 2nd year students in full time undergraduate study.

Things have changed dramatically for students nationwide over the last 20 years, and the survey not only has its own merits as a recognised longitudinal piece of social science research, but also the results give us a unique and very local insight into the change in student trends, behaviours and attitudes in line with financial changes.

From the findings we can identify gaps where students need the most support whilst at uni – balancing study and part-time work, hardship funds and bursary awards, the hike in rent costs and public transport fares to name but a few.

Here  are the findings from the last full survey undertaken in spring 2014 : Student Finance Survey results 2014

Want to take part in this invaluable study (and the chance to win some Amazon vouchers), please click on this link here: student finance survey. The survey closes on 18 March

Please note: the survey is only open to Home students in their second year of full time study.

We really appreciate your input and hearing your opinions. If you have got any money questions you want to ask, or you want to talk to someone in confidence, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the one if the Student Advice team. We have drop in and appointment sessions at each campus, please phone 01273 642888 or email

Best wishes

Student Advice Service


Helen Abrahams • March 11, 2016

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