Student Advice Service – Money Matters

News from the Student Advice Service at the University of Brighton

Notebook with the words make it happen highlighted

Important hardship funds update from Student Advice

We know that this time of the academic year can bring financial challenges for many students, especially for those having to manage a tight budget for the first time.

The Student Advice Service can help you manage your finances in many ways.

We can:

· Check your student funding has been correctly assessed

· Offer benefits advice

· Help you to plan a budget

· Pass on money-saving tips

· Signpost to useful websites for financial products and tools

There are also additional university funds which you may be eligible for, from bursaries to scholarships and hardship funds. Some of these are assessed automatically and others require an application form. If you are thinking about applying for one of the university hardship funds and you want to be considered before the Christmas holiday, you need to submit your completed application by Friday November 24th. This way we can assess you and award successful applicants before Christmas.

We can only guarantee assessment for complete applications which are accompanied by all the additional information we require so we encourage you to apply early and read the checklist carefully. You should also check your uni email for any updates or correspondence.

If you submit a complete application after the 24th November, we will process it as quickly as possible, but we cannot guarantee an assessment before Christmas.

The Student Support Fund application portal will temporarily close at midnight on Tuesday 19th December 2023 and reopen at 8am on Tuesday 2nd January 2024.

If you have any questions about your application, please contact Student Advice on 01273 642888 or email Student Advice. We are open for business every weekday right up until Wednesday 20th December, when the university closes for the vacation.

Student Advice Service

Helen Abrahams • November 21, 2023

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  1. Julia Daoriwoe November 23, 2023 - 12:41 pm Reply

    Hello, yes I would like to get information about additional university funds and apply for the university hardship fund. Thank you.

  2. Helen Abrahams November 23, 2023 - 1:07 pm Reply

  3. Cassie November 24, 2023 - 8:56 am Reply

    I’m interested in applying please

    • Helen Abrahams November 24, 2023 - 11:01 am Reply

      Hi Cassie
      If you read through the blog, you will find all the links to the relevant web pages with information on how to apply within the body of the text.
      Best wishes

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