Paying your fees in full by 1st November? You could be entitled to claim a rebate
Did you know that the university offers a rebate scheme for students who pay their tuition fees in full by 1st November?
What is it?
An incentive called the Early Settlement Discount which is part of the university’s Tuition Fee Discount Schemes. Effectively it is a 2.5% reduction of your annual tuition fees which is applied retrospectively once you have cleared your fees for the year.
Who is eligible?
Self-funding undergraduates or postgraduates who are not eligible to apply for a tuition fee loan who have paid their fees in full for the year by 1 November 2018.
How do I apply
You need to complete an application form which you can access via the university website. Do refer to the flowchart and read the full terms and conditions to check your eligibility before you complete the form.
What happens next?
If you are entitled to a rebate, it will be paid direct into your bank account so make sure your details are correct on student central.
Anything else I need to know?
If you’re a postgraduate student who is also a University of Brighton Alumnus and you’re paying your fees in full by 1st November, you can get a 10% rebate from your annual fees.
If you need any more information or you have got a question, just contact our Records and Fees team in Academic Services by email
Student Advice Service