Do you have difficulties contacting Student Advice during standard office hours
Perhaps you’re a part time student, postgrad, mature student or you have access issues such as being on a remote (or any) placement?
You may not be aware that as well as being open during standard office times Monday to Friday, we also run 2 twilight advice sessions every week term time.
These are as follows:
Tuesdays 5pm – 7pm at Falmer campus Telephone 01273 643584
Thursdays 5pm – 7pm at City Campus (Grand Parade main building). telephone 01273 643187
Both sessions run from the Student centres.
You can phone, drop in or make a pre-booked appointment, whatever works for you. Don’t worry if these aren’t your usual sites of study, students can’t access support from the Student Advice Service at any campus.
Or you can email us at any time:
Student Advice Service