Business Blogging….???Why Would I Benefit of It and How???

Blogging is a real benefit for the Business, of course if you have your aim and know what you would like to achieve. The blog can help to drive more traffic to your website: who doesn’t want more website visitor and at the same time potential customers. There are few steps you should follow if you want all these benefits from blogging. Let’s start with:

  1. Driving traffic to your webpage.

Have you asked yourself how do people find you website? There are few ways of doing so:

  • they could just type your website name on the searching bar (which ever browser they are using), but this is the audience that already know you, is that what you want? Of course not, we all want more traffic on top of the existing one.
  • buying an email list- WASTE OF MONEY from my point of view. Literally buying something may or may not bring you more traffic as in nowadays most of the people are FED UP with getting SPAM emails. Would they even consider reading them? I can lay money on it-mmmm NO!!!
  • Google paid Ads- could be good approach, but cost a lot of money at the same time and for small organisations is really difficult to keep up with it.


Other ways of getting more traffic hmmm… how about social media, blogging and of course not at least Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Every time when you post a blog is another index page on your website, which in another words means that it gives you better chance to go higher in Search Engine ranking and also drive traffic to your webpage in organic search.

The blog also can be shared via social media such as: Facebook, Twetter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. The benefit of this is that people share between themselves a lot of information (blogs or vlogs) on their so called walls which is visible for the entire list of friends they have and at the same time your business gets viral and meets new audience. More and more people get to know your business and what service or goods you provide.

Just to re-cap: Blog post gives you the benefit of: – drive new traffic, work well with SE and social media.


  1. Transform the traffic in to leads.

Simply just add call-to-action (CTA) button and according to (Hubspot, 2016) this can get your click through rates increased by 1,300% (may be more). So when you keep your visitors longer on your page they might become leads.

In simple language sounds like this:

  • Customer come to website
  • Visitor encounter CTA for free offers
  • They do click the CTA button and are lead to landing page which have a short form which have to be completed with the persons details
  • Submit the form and get the free offer


It is a good idea to have CTA button and many professional bloggers are giving their positive opinion about it and the fact that there is a significant benefit of having CTA button. This is the way of turning your visitors into leads.



Let’s be realistic, of course not every single person who read your blog will become lead. Just keep blogging and get better and better to attract more people and at the same time potential leads.

  1. Helps crating Authority

As previously mention in my other Blog, if you frequently crate a blog containing useful information for your target audience you will look as an authority in their eyes. This is very helpful tool especially for sales and service specialists.

Blogs are also used as a platform where negative comments and disappointment (often ignored by the media) from particular service or product can be discussed by the customers, therefore the blogs are seen by the people as more trustworthy and reliable (Johnson & Kaye, 2004).

  1. Long-term results

Lets say that you had 100 people that visited your website and 10 of them become lead. The next day you have the same visitors and the same amount of leads, but the following 2-3 days NOTHING. Do not Worry, Be Happy I would say. One you have posted your Blog it going to be ranked in search engines, so that’s mean that even after months, years you still can generate traffic and leads as well. In easy words you put effort and sweat today, but the results may not come straight away (as it is with everything else) but you may be surprised what can happen in future with the Blog post that you even forgot about. According to (Hubspot, 2015) 70% of the traffic to a certain website comes from post published in the past ( in the past i don’t mean 50 years ago 😉 ).


I hope my blog will inspire some of you and will help you to develop your own. 😉


Source of Information:

Johnson, T. (2015) Effective Call-To-Action Tips For Business Website. [Online]

Available at:  (Accessed Jan 28th 2016).

Broussard, J. (2013) Business Blogging: Why Should Any Business Owner Care?. [Online]

Available at: (Accessed Jan 29th 2016).

Wainwright C. (2015) Why Blog? The Benefits of Blogging for Business and Marketing. [Online]

Available at: (Accessed Jan 28th 2016).

Johnson, T., & Kaye, B. (2004). Wag the blog: How reUance on traditional media and the internet influence credibility perceptions of weblogs among blog users. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 81, 622-642.