The Malagiri School

Jill’s visit to Malagiri, November 2024.

Jill and fellow supporter Louise travelled to Nepal in November. During their stay they met with members of the Jangchup Charitable Organisation (the NGO that has responsibility for the day to day running of the Malagiri School), attended an international conference, went shopping in Kathmandu to buy much needed resources for the children, and spent…

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A new start for the Malagiri School

We’ve just received some important news about the Malagiri School. For personal reasons, the headteacher, Yubaraj Rasaili, has left the school. Whilst his departure was not anticipated, we are pleased that his visit to the UK enabled so many colleagues, students, friends, and supporters to gain an understanding of the culture and ethos of the…

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Yubaraj standing next to a signpost in The Lanes, Brighton

Yubaraj’s final few days in the UK

Yubaraj has visited London and been out and about in Sussex too. Friends and supporters, who have been generous hosts, have had the opportunity to enjoy his company too. Yubaraj’s varied and extensive activities have included – *Sightseeing in London as well as Brighton and Sussex *Enjoying dinner with members of the Malagiri Committee and…

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Yubaraj playing his guitar and singing in Pyecombe Church.

Yubaraj, the talented musician

Here is a short video of Yubaraj singing a traditional Nepalese song. He is a talented musician and uses his skills to plan creative, innovative lessons that inspire the Malagiri children – not to mention everyone here in the UK too! Yubaraj video

A close up of Yubaraj

Yubaraj’s first few days in the UK

Yubaraj has spent a few days meeting friends and supporters. The first event was held at Pyecombe Church. Many friends and supporters relished the opportunity to  meet and chat with Yubaraj. Everyone enjoyed listening to some talented local instrumentalists who performed with Yubaraj. It was a joyful and unique occasion for  everyone. Yubaraj also spent…

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A very special guest has arrived

Yubaraj Rasaili, the Malagiri School headteacher has arrived in the UK. He is staying until October 29th and will be spending time in the School of Education (University of Brighton), visiting local schools and academies, as well as meeting friends and supporters. Look out for additional posts to find out more about his adventures….  …

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Guests at a garden party

Fund-raising event at Pangdean

The Malagiri Committee organised a fundraising event that was held in the beautiful Pangdean Farm garden. Guests enjoyed a glorious evening of sunshine, accompanied by  wonderful food and delightful musical interludes. There were plenty of unusual gifts for purchase too. The event raised the amazing total of £2,800 – a superb achievement that will make…

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Yubraj, the head teacher, with a group of children lined up in front of him

Fundraising for a very important visitor

We’re really excited that the Head Teacher of the Malagiri School, Yubraj, will be coming to visit the University of Brighton in October. Yubraj, in the picture above with some of his pupils, has been invited by the Malagiri committee and will spend time with staff and students at the University’s School of Education. We’re…

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Class one writing about their future aspirations

Great Expectations

Yubraj (headteacher), teaches the oldest children in the school  – class one. They are busy preparing for the next stage in their education. Here, they are taking some formal tests (rather like SATs in the UK). The children have been thinking about their futures and they have great expectations. Here, three members of the class…

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Yubraj and pupils wearing celebratory costumes

Special festivities recently celebrated by the Malagiri School pupils

The Sonam Loser (New Year) festivities, celebrated by the Tamang people, are said to have originated from Tibet. To mark this special occasion, the teachers and cooks prepared some traditional Khapsi biscuits for all the children. Many of the pupils wore special costumes, bought by their parents, and performed intricate and exquisite dances. This event…

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