The Malagiri School

Tents replace classrooms following earthquake

As the image shows the school building was severly damaged in the recent earthquake. A qualified engineer has now visited to asses the damage and the dining and kitchen building will need to be rebuilt however the other buildings are repairable.


Since our last update and in response to our subsequent radio appeal (Radio Sussex) and television coverage (The Vote, latest TV) the Malagiri Relief fund has been inundated with contributions. Justgiving donations currently amounts to £ 8,866 and in addition to the £500 we initially sent we will now be sending a transfer of some…

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We have now received more information from Nepal. A visitor from Belgium (and friend of our sister organisation, Trinity) was in Nepal at the time of the earthquake and she has visited Malagiri. The school is still intact but, unfortunately, it has sustained extensive damage. There are large cracks in the walls and on the…

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Students visit the school

Four students studying on the Advanced Studies route of the Primary Education BA(Hons) with QTS course at the University of Brighton have been given the opportunity to visit a School for Malagiri.

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