Brighton Digital Festival starts today

Brighton Digital Festival kicks off today

Find out more about how the Centre for Digital Media Cultures is involved with several events as part of the Brighton Digital Festival.

​The Centre for Digital Media Cultures is involved with several events as part of the Brighton Digital Festival taking place in venues across Brighton between 12- 25 October 2019. The Festival celebrates the richness of the creative and cultural industries in our city and explores the ways in which digital technology continues to shape our lives. Find out more and reserve your place at any of these events:

Arts DRIVA:Desire Lines
Edward Street, City Campus
12 – 27 October, 10am and 5pm (except Monday 16 October)

This digital arts exhibition and events programme is a collaboration between the University of Brighton and the Brighton Digital Festival (BDF). It is an outcome of the DRIVA arts DRIVA project led by the University of Brighton, which is investigating the opportunities that arise when a key organisation (Gatwick Airport) releases its data to SMEs and artists. The exhibition is free to the public. There will also be special events, talks and workshops only open to the DRIVA arts DRIVA community – sign up at www.drivaartsdriva.comto attend. More information can be found on the Brighton Digital Festival website, on the Arts DRIVA blog or from Centre member Donna Close on

DRIVA is funded by the European Structural Investment Fund and Arts Council England.

The war on knowledge: Beyond the evidence
Room 309, Edward Street, City Campus
17 October, 10am and 3pm

Visiting Fellow Professor David Garcia is holding a workshop that foregrounds an emerging movement of academics and artists who are seeking ‘evidentiary realism’ and knowledge democracy in the age of the internet. Find out more about this event on the Brighton Digital Festival website. Anyone who registers for this workshop can register for the Messy Edge Conference on 18 October at a discounted rate of £15 (including lunch).

Data, Health and the Arts: Creating Space, Bridging Boundaries
Phoenix Arts Space
23 October, 6.30pm and 8pm

Dr Aristea Fotopoulou is holding an event with an exciting line-up of speakers debating key questions including: What is the role of art and creativity in public engagement with health data? How is the digitisation of health records changing public attitudes and medical practices? Find out more and book your free place by visiting the booking page.

ART/ DATA/HEALTH: data as creative material for health and wellbeing’ (AH/S004564/1 2019-2021) is funded by the UKRI-AHRC Innovation Leadership Fellowship.

Apply now for your place in 2018-19!

Applications are now open for the MA Digital Media, Culture & Society, at the University of Brighton. A fascinating new Course Programme, at the most creative, vibrant city in the country, with strong links to the  digital sector.  This MA programme is unique of its kind, as it can be completed entirely online, if you wish to. You will be part of an enthusiastic international cohort of students!

You will study an innovative programme that aims to engage with some of the most pressing cultural and social issues of our time, such as activism, big data, the cultural and creative economy, everyday life, future cities, and social wellbeing and identity. It covers key theoretical debates in media and cultural studies and draws from local, national and global contexts, to help students develop the critical and methodological skills that are necessary for researching the role of digital technologies in culture and society.

Have a look at the modules offered in the next academic year here.

The MA Digital Media, Culture & Society will:

  • Enable you to develop an in-depth understanding of how changes in digital media technologies impact our cultural, economic, social and political lives.
  • Develop your critical, analytical, methodological and reflective capacity to deploy relevant frameworks in media and communication studies in order to address contemporary areas of concern.
  • Allow you to develop a range of critical, practical, collaborative and professional skills relevant to the digital media sector and the creative industries in global media contexts and economies.
  • Allow you to train in and apply research skills in order to carry out independent research and enable you to undertake further research at doctoral level.


Questions? Contact the Course Leader, Dr Aristea Fotopoulou

Join us on Facebook:  Digital Media, Culture and Society 

Twitter: @MAdmcs_ub

What students said about us

“I’m a distance student but feel supported and connected” (2016-17 Student).

“My experience of the teaching staff was excellent. They were professional, welcoming, incredibly knowledgeable, passionate and inspiring.” (2016-17 student)


“I have had a lot of one on one teaching time, which is nice” (2016-17 Student).

Join the 2017/18 Student Facebook group Digital Media, Culture & Society @University of Brighton to get a first impression of what it means to be a student in the MA Digital Media, Culture & Society, at the University of Brighton.

Viva! Community Arts and Popular Education in the Americas

Viva! Community Arts and Popular Education in the Americas

Prof. Deborah Barndt, York University, Toronto

Date: Thursday 5 October 2017, 2-4pm

Location: Room B406 Checkland Building
University of Brighton, Falmer Campus

Deborah Barndt photo

Toronto based artist and environmental and community activist, Professor emerita Deborah Barndt will give a Community- University Partnership (CUPP) seminar reflecting on a number of collaborative, longterm popular education projects, using innovative creative tools such as digital photo stories, documentary photography and collaborative video.

The main focus of this session will highlight Deborah’s efforts to create settler-indigenous dialogue around food sovereignty across the Americas, and includes an overview of three different photographic approaches to food issues she has pioneered:

1) Documentary photography and photo-stories as central to the Tangled Routes research on food chains in the 1990s

2) Digital photo-stories developed by her students in collaboration with local food organizations in the 2000

3) Video and multi-media platforms as research, education and action tools for food sovereignty

Part of the 2017 documentary Cross-Pollinators: Food Legacies from Earth to Table, from Deborah’s current Legacies project, will be screened.

Until 2014, Deborah was professor in the Environmental Studies program at York University, Toronto, where she developed the postgraduate Community Arts Practice program. She has authored many books, including Tangled routes: women, work and globalization and is editor, amongst other books, of Wild Fire: Art as Activism, and Viva: Community Arts and Popular Education in the Americas and continues to exhibit, collaborate and write. Further info here:

Deborah will be introduced by Julia Winckler, University of Brighton, who has studied with Deborah and collaborated on a foto-novella at the Canadian Multilingual Literacy Centre in Toronto. Session moderated by David Wolff, CUPP.

The event is open to all and everyone is welcome. To book please RSVP to


Postgraduate Welcome Event

We are ready to welcome all students in the Digital Media, Culture and Society MA, PGDip, PGCert programmes on Tuesday 26th September, in our Moulsecoomb campus, at 10am for our postgraduate induction event. For details, have a look at the Induction poster 2017.

The morning will include:

Introduction and welcome by the Course Leader, an outline of modules by module leaders, Library induction by our Information Advisors, & course admin info by the School Office.

We look forward to seeing you on the day!


Modules this year

The teaching and admin team of the MA Digital Media, Culture and Society at the University of Brighton are looking forward to meeting the new students who have now started enrolling for the new academic year 2017/18. We are excited to be offering some new modules this academic year, including Social Media, Digital Media and Activism in Semester 1. See the page Modules in Detail for an outline of each module.


Datafication of Cycling funded PhD at the University of Brighton

Apply to work this exciting project – application deadline is Wednesday 21 June 2017, 17:30.

This project brings together scholarship in mobilities, intelligent transport and big data to explore the potential of industry-collected cycling data in informing policies and planning for more sustainable transport and mobilities. A critical exploration of cycling data at the intersection of innovative industries and public policies is at the heart of the project. The project engages with current debates on the potential for big data analysis through case study analysis in key cities across the world.

This project would suit someone with a background in computer science/digital media (or related disciplines) with an interest in business and policy, or someone with a background in social science/business (or related disciplines) with an interest in data. The successful candidate would require the following skills.

1. Critical thinking and general research skills in document analysis and literature reviewing will be essential skills, and semi-structured interviews (desirable).

2. Data literacy (essential), data analysis (desirable).

Lead: Dr Frauke Behrendt
Second: Dr Lesley Murray
Third: Professor Phil Haynes



Alice Marwick discusses The Circle

In The Circle Movie, Emma Watson learns about the dark side of sharing. In this video Alice Marwick (Data and Society), one of the key theorists on identity and social media, discusses what social media will look like in the future.


Welcome to the blog of the MA Digital Media, Culture and Society at University of Brighton Blog                          Network.

The MA Digital Media, Culture and Society runs for the first time in the Academic Year 2017/18, as it takes over from the MA Creative Media – a programme with a long history, that has now run its course. It is based at the School of Media, University of Brighton.

The MA Digital Media, Culture and Society is an innovative programme that stays responsive to key developments in contemporary digital media, culture, and society. It engages with some of the most exciting and pressing cultural and social issues of our time, such as activism, big data, the cultural and creative economy, everyday life, future cities, and social wellbeing and identity.

Course Leader photoThe programme covers key theoretical debates in media and cultural studies and draws from local, national and global contexts, to help you develop the critical and methodological skills that are necessary for researching the role of digital technologies in culture and society.

The MA Digital Media, Culture and Society is of broad relevance to media and digital media graduates, as well as professionals pursuing a new or developing interest in how advances in digital media shape our cultural, political and social lives. The course combines the social fabric of learning with academic and applied interrogation of an extensive range of media-related developments in economy, society and culture. The flexible modes of study (online, on-campus, full-time, part-time) combined with student’s own choice of route through the course makes the MA Digital Media, Culture and Society particularly attractive to academics, teachers and educators, as well as media professionals, practitioners, managers and innovators.

You will be taught by leading academics in visual communication, social media, smart technologies and media production for social change. Our knowledge-exchange activities engage us with diverse businesses, communities and policy actors including media, publishers, digital companies, community groups and NGOs, which will allow you to make professional contacts during your studies.

I look forward to working with you.

Dr Aristea Fotopoulou

Course Leader, MA Digital Media, Culture & Society | Senior Lecturer Media and Communication | a.fotopoulou [at] brighton [dot] ac [dot] uk School of Media, Watts Building                                                                                                               University of Brighton

Apply now for your place