Tag Archives: distance learning

Apply now for your place in 2018-19!

Applications are now open for the MA Digital Media, Culture & Society, at the University of Brighton. A fascinating new Course Programme, at the most creative, vibrant city in the country, with strong links to the  digital sector.  This MA programme is unique of its kind, as it can be completed entirely online, if you wish to. You will be part of an enthusiastic international cohort of students!

You will study an innovative programme that aims to engage with some of the most pressing cultural and social issues of our time, such as activism, big data, the cultural and creative economy, everyday life, future cities, and social wellbeing and identity. It covers key theoretical debates in media and cultural studies and draws from local, national and global contexts, to help students develop the critical and methodological skills that are necessary for researching the role of digital technologies in culture and society.

Have a look at the modules offered in the next academic year here.

The MA Digital Media, Culture & Society will:

  • Enable you to develop an in-depth understanding of how changes in digital media technologies impact our cultural, economic, social and political lives.
  • Develop your critical, analytical, methodological and reflective capacity to deploy relevant frameworks in media and communication studies in order to address contemporary areas of concern.
  • Allow you to develop a range of critical, practical, collaborative and professional skills relevant to the digital media sector and the creative industries in global media contexts and economies.
  • Allow you to train in and apply research skills in order to carry out independent research and enable you to undertake further research at doctoral level.


Questions? Contact the Course Leader, Dr Aristea Fotopoulou a.fotopoulou@brighton.ac.uk

Join us on Facebook:  Digital Media, Culture and Society 

Twitter: @MAdmcs_ub