Although cosmetic surgery plays a key factor in modern day beauty standards and is probably one of the biggest reasons as to why many women have insecurities about their appearance, making this concept more creative and less morbid almost is what i really want to achieve. I could still contribute cosmetic surgery in some way maybe through really subtle styling techniques or accessories, however overall i want to ideally stay away from this powerful use of needles and filler in the previous editorials. This picture i came across and unfortunately cannot find any info on it, but it spoke out to me as showing a sense of modern day beauty through make up and hair. Although it is a modern day photograph too, im intrigued as to why they set the location as a very 60’s landscape. Was this to highlight how women have always experienced the same problems and they will keep on evolving through every era? Im not too keen on the styling here, but i am interested in experimenting with the items such as hair curlers to highlight the techniques women use to maybe make themselves appear up to standards with beauty of this time. I will continue to look into this block colour, 60s sort of theme for this shoot because not only does it reflect many aspects of my typical styling techniques, but i can make the images much more cinematic and realistic to support such a deep concept.

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